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JMyron as interface (Read 207 times)
JMyron as interface
Mar 1st, 2009, 7:18pm
Hi there

I am trying to get the globBoxes in JMyron to collide with other regularly-drawn rectangles in Processing in order to move rectangles.

At the moment, I simply have a moving rectangle which I am trying to perform a collision test, but it just passes through the glob-detection rectangles. When it hits another regularly-drawn rectangle, however, it repels back.

Any tips? Here is my code:

import JMyron.*;

JMyron m;//a camera object

// Global variables for the moving rectangle
float rectm_x;
float rectm_y;
float rectm_dir = 1;
float rectm_width = 10;
float rectm_height = 10;
float dy = 0;  // Direction

// Global variables for the hitting rectangle
int rect2_width = 5;
int rect2_height = 20;

int dist_wall = 15;

//global variables for glob boxes
float glob_x;
float glob_y;
float glob_width;
float glob_height;

void setup(){
 m = new JMyron();//make a new instance of the object
 m.start(width,height);//start a capture at 320x240
 m.trackColor(255,255,255,200);//R, G, B, and range of similarity
 m.minDensity(40); //minimum pixels in the glob required to result in a box
 println("Myron " + m.version());
 //from pong:
 rectm_y = height/2;
 rectm_x = 1;

void draw(){
 m.update();//update the camera view
 drawCamera();//draw the camera to the screen
 int[][] b = m.globBoxes();//get the center points

 //moving square:
 rectm_x += rectm_dir * 2;
 rectm_y += dy;
 if(rectm_x < -rectm_width) {
   rectm_x = width+rectm_width;
   rectm_y = random(0, height);
   dy = 0;

 float rect2_y = constrain(mouseY, rect2_height, height-rect2_height);
 //attempt at a boolean that will detect collision
String  s = "glob_x > rectm_x+rectm_width || glob_x+glob_width < rectm_x || glob_y > rectm_y+rectm_height || glob_y+glob_height < rectm_y)";
boolean rectangle_collision  = boolean(s);
if (rectangle_collision) {
 println("The boolean is true");
} else {
 println("The boolean is false");

 //test to see if rectm touches glob
 float gy = glob_x+glob_width+rectm_width;
 if(rectm_x == gy  
    && rectm_y > glob_y - glob_height - rectm_height  
    && rectm_y < glob_y + glob_height + rectm_height) {
   rectm_dir *= -1;

 // Test to see if the rectm is touching the rect2
 float py = dist_wall+rect2_width+rectm_width;
 if(rectm_x == py  
    && rectm_y > rect2_y - rect2_height - rectm_height  
    && rectm_y < rect2_y + rect2_height + rectm_height) {
   rectm_dir *= -1;
   if(mouseY != pmouseY) {
dy = (mouseY-pmouseY)/2.0;
if(dy >  5) { dy =  5; }
if(dy < -5) { dy = -5; }
 // If rectm hits rect2 or back wall, reverse direction
 if((rectm_x > 320-rectm_width) && rectm_dir == 1) {
   rectm_dir *= -1;
 // If the rectm is touching top or bottom edge, reverse direction
 if(rectm_y > height-rectm_height) {
   dy = dy * -1;
 if(rectm_y < rectm_height) {
   dy = dy * -1;

 // Draw the moving rectangle
 rect(rectm_x, rectm_y, rectm_width, rectm_height);
 // Draw the still rectangle/hitter
 rect(dist_wall, rect2_y, rect2_width, rect2_height);
 //draw the boxes
 for(int i=0;i<b.length;i++){
   rect( b[i][0] , b[i][1] , 20 , 20 );
   float glob_x=b[i][0];
   float glob_y=b[i][1];  
   float glob_width=20;
   float glob_height=20;



void drawCamera(){
 int[] img = m.image(); //get the normal image of the camera
 for(int i=0;i<width*height;i++){ //loop through all the pixels
   pixels[i] = img[i]; //draw each pixel to the screen


void mousePressed(){
 m.settings();//click the window to get the settings

public void stop(){
 m.stop();//stop the object

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