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Ruby-Processing and NyARToolkit (Read 2116 times)
Ruby-Processing and NyARToolkit
Feb 28th, 2009, 5:53pm
I'm trying to bring the NyARToolkit java libraries into my rp5 sketch.  I've tried to take into account the advice in the thread about the Minim library.

There are 2 .jar files, NyAR2.jar and NyARToolkit.jar and they seem to load just fine.

My issue is that when I try to make a new instance of the NyARBoard class (inside of NyAR2, at jp.nyalta.nyar4psg.NyARBoard), I get `const_missing': uninitialized constant Artooltest::NyARBoard (NameError)

Here's my sketch:
require 'ruby-processing'

class Artooltest < Processing::App
 load_library "video"
 load_library "NyAR2"
 load_library "NyARToolkit"
 include_package "processing.video"
 include_package "procesing.opengl"
 import "jp.nyalta.nyar4psg"
 import "javax.media.opengl"
 puts "NyAR2 loaded" if library_loaded? :NyAR2
 puts "NyARToolkit loaded" if library_loaded? :NyARToolkit

 def setup
   @cam = Capture.new(self, width, height, 30)
   @nya = NyARBoard.new(self, width, height, "camera_para.dat", "patt.hiro", 80)
 def draw
   @cam.read if @cam.available
   image @cam, 0, 0

Artooltest.new :title => "Artooltest", :width => 800, :height => 600

The sketch returns "NyAR2 loaded" and "NyARToolkit loaded" before spitting out that error I mentioned:

`const_missing': uninitialized constant Artooltest::NyARBoard (NameError)
Re: Ruby-Processing and NyARToolkit
Reply #1 - Mar 3rd, 2009, 3:42am
When you can't find a given class, try looking from the top level (perhaps with rp5 live):


Or some differently-capitalized variant thereof.

You can always call "constants" on a class to see what constants are in it's scope, so Artooltest.constants might give you some clues.

For reference, here's the JRuby page on importing and accessing java classes:

Re: Ruby-Processing and NyARToolkit
Reply #2 - Mar 3rd, 2009, 4:26pm
Thanks, I was able to fix it using the live view.  The issue, embarrassingly enough, was that I misspelled nyatla as nyalta.

This means that a failure in the line:
import "jp.nyalta.nyar4psg"
passed silently, as far as I can tell.  Is there some way to get feedback about a failed import?

This works:
require 'ruby-processing'

class Artooltest < Processing::App
 load_library "video"
 load_library "opengl"
 load_library 'NyAR2'
 load_library 'NyARToolkit'
 include_package "processing.video"
 include_package "procesing.opengl"
 import 'jp.nyatla.nyar4psg'
 import "javax.media.opengl"

 puts "NyAR2 loaded" if library_loaded? :NyAR2
 puts "NyARToolkit loaded" if library_loaded? :NyARToolkit

 def setup
   render_mode OPENGL
   frame_rate 15
   @cam = Capture.new(self, width, height, 30)
   @nya = NyARBoard.new(self, width, height, "camera_para.dat", "patt.hiro", 80)
   image_mode CORNERS
 def draw
   @cam.read if @cam.available
   image @cam, 0, 0
   fill(220, 20, 20)
   @nya.detect(@cam) ? (puts "yup") : (puts "nope")
   (0..3).each do |num|
     ellipse(@nya.pos2d[num][0], @nya.pos2d[num][1], 20, 20)

Artooltest.new :title => "Artooltest", :width => 640, :height => 480

You need to have the camera_para.dat and patt.hiro files in the root folder of the sketch, and NyAR2.jar in library/NyART2/ and NyARToolkit in library/NyARToolkit.

Now I'm trying to figure out how to do this part of the example pde sketch:

   PGraphicsOpenGL pgl = (PGraphicsOpenGL) g;

PGraphicsOpenGL is apparently derived from PImage, but I'm having some trouble figuring out where it lives.  I seems to make a new instance of a class, but I'm not sure what the "g" is all about.
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