hi, the following works for me on osx.
you can checkout the
svn repository of controlP5. after downloading a copy of the current version of controlP5:
navigate to folder sojamop5/trunk
in there you will find folder buildFiles which contains an ant file called buildControlP5.xml
navigate back to trunk, create a folder libs and put a copy of core.jar (the core sources of processing) in there
go to trunk/buildFiles and use the following command from your command line:
ant -f buildControlP5.xml
your compiled controlP5.jar file will be located in
(the command line below applies to osx, when using windows, the : as classpath separator has to change to ; )
navigate to folder sojamop5/trunk
in your command line tool execute the following commands. make sure folder trunk/tmp and folder trunk/tmp/build exists. then proceed with the following
javac -classpath "./src/controlP5:./libs/core.jar" -d ./tmp/build ./src/controlP5/*.java ; cp src/controlP5/*.gif tmp/build/controlP5 ; cd tmp/build ; jar cf controlP5.jar controlP5
the controlP5.jar will be located in trunk/build
hope this helps. the ANT-COMPILE version should be the preferred way to compile controlP5. i do use the buildFast.xml ant-file from within eclipse though to compile controlP5.