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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpSyntax Questions › silly/simple but...Table
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silly/simple ? but...Table (Read 1455 times)
silly/simple ? but...Table
Feb 21st, 2009, 5:19pm
this example is from fry's "Visualizing Data."  for the first few runs, it did work; now it doesn't, specifying that "Cannot find a class or type named "Table." Below is the pasted code.  i have tried to run multiple versions (i.e. "Table.pde" in both the data and sketch folder, listing the class "Table" following the original sketch code, etc.)  I know this is so basic but can anyone offer some insight so I can bang my head and say "oh, so that's how..."  thanks in advance.

PImage mapImage;
int rowCount;
float dataMin = MAX_FLOAT;
float dataMax = MIN_FLOAT;
Table locationTable;
Table dataTable;

void setup() {
 size(640, 400);
 mapImage = loadImage("map.png");
 // Make a data table from a file that contains
 // the coordinates of each table
 locationTable = new Table("locations.tsv");
 // Read the data table
 dataTable = new Table("random.tsv");
 // The row count will be used a lot, so store it globally.
 rowCount = locationTable.getRowCount();

// Find the minimum and the maximum values.
for (int row = 0; row < rowCount; row++) {
 float value = dataTable.getFloat(row, 1);
 if (value > dataMax) {
   dataMin = value;
 if (value < data Mind) {
   dataMin = value;

void draw() {
 image(mapImage, 0, 0);

// Drawing attributes for the ellipses
fill(192, 0, 0);

// Loop through the rows of the locations file and draw the points.
for (int row = 0; row < rowCount; row++) {
 String abbrev = dataTable.getRowName(row);
 float x = locationTable.getFloat(abbrev);  // column 1
 float y = locationTable.getFloat(abbrev);   // column 2
 drawData(x, y, abbrev);

// Map the size of the ellipse to the data value
void drawData(float x, float y, String abbrev) {
 // Get data value for state
 float value = dataTable.getFloat(abbrev, 1);
 float diameter = 0;
 if (value >= 0) {
   diameter = map(value, 0, dataMax, 0, 255);
   fill(#333366. a); // blue
 } else {
   diameter = map(value, 0, dataMin, 0, 255);
   fill(#EC5166, a); // red
 ellipse(x, y, 15, 15);

class Table {
 String[][] data;
 int rowCount;
 Table() {
   data = new String[10][10];

 Table(String filename) {
   String[] rows = loadStrings(filename);
   data = new String[rows.length][];
   for (int i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
     if (trim(rows[i]).length() == 0) {
       continue; // skip empty rows
     if (rows[i].startsWith("#")) {
       continue;  // skip comment lines
     // split the row on the tabs
     String[] pieces = split(rows[i], TAB);
     // copy to the table array
     data[rowCount] = pieces;
     // this could be done in one fell swoop via:
     //data[rowCount++] = split(rows[i], TAB);
   // resize the 'data' array as necessary
   data = (String[][]) subset(data, 0, rowCount);

 int getRowCount() {
   return rowCount;
 // find a row by its name, returns -1 if no row found
 int getRowIndex(String name) {
   for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) {
     if (data[i][0].equals(name)) {
       return i;
   println("No row named '" + name + "' was found");
   return -1;
 String getRowName(int row) {
   return getString(row, 0);

 String getString(int rowIndex, int column) {
   return data[rowIndex][column];

 String getString(String rowName, int column) {
   return getString(getRowIndex(rowName), column);

 int getInt(String rowName, int column) {
   return parseInt(getString(rowName, column));

 int getInt(int rowIndex, int column) {
   return parseInt(getString(rowIndex, column));

 float getFloat(String rowName, int column) {
   return parseFloat(getString(rowName, column));

 float getFloat(int rowIndex, int column) {
   return parseFloat(getString(rowIndex, column));
 void setRowName(int row, String what) {
   data[row][0] = what;

 void setString(int rowIndex, int column, String what) {
   data[rowIndex][column] = what;

 void setString(String rowName, int column, String what) {
   int rowIndex = getRowIndex(rowName);
   data[rowIndex][column] = what;

 void setInt(int rowIndex, int column, int what) {
   data[rowIndex][column] = str(what);

 void setInt(String rowName, int column, int what) {
   int rowIndex = getRowIndex(rowName);
   data[rowIndex][column] = str(what);

 void setFloat(int rowIndex, int column, float what) {
   data[rowIndex][column] = str(what);

 void setFloat(String rowName, int column, float what) {
   int rowIndex = getRowIndex(rowName);
   data[rowIndex][column] = str(what);
 // Write this table as a TSV file
 void write(PrintWriter writer) {
   for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) {
     for (int j = 0; j < data[i].length; j++) {
       if (j != 0) {
       if (data[i][j] != null) {
Re: silly/simple ? but...Table
Reply #1 - Feb 21st, 2009, 6:59pm
Some of your curly braces aren't lining up--the "Find the minimum and the maximum values." needs to be inside the { and } braces for the setup() function, and similarly, the code that comes after your draw() { ... } needs to be inside draw.

To fix things, I recommend moving the Table class over to its own tab, then carefully go through and match { and } characters so that they pair up properly. (If you put the text cursor after } it will highlight the { that it's paired to.)
Re: silly/simple ? but...Table
Reply #2 - Feb 21st, 2009, 11:12pm
thank you.  i appreciate your quick response.  on with the rest of this great book!
Re: silly/simple ? but...Table
Reply #3 - Oct 12th, 2009, 4:02am
I have fund the same problem, how do I move the table class to another tab? (As is which lines of code do I move?) I am also a novice processing user! Thanks!
Re: silly/simple ? but...Table
Reply #4 - Oct 12th, 2009, 4:54am
Copy (cut) from "class Table {" to the last "}".
Re: silly/simple ? but...Table
Reply #5 - Oct 12th, 2009, 6:52am
Perhaps the OP's indentation got lost when the code was pasted here, but this does highlight the usefulness of indenting your code methodically.  E.g. whenever a structure requiring curly braces (class/function declaration, conditions, loops etc.) starts indent the block of code contained within it.  That way it's much easier to spot when closing braces are missing...
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