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Representing serial data (Read 694 times)
Representing serial data
Feb 7th, 2009, 12:38am
Hi, i am trying to comunicate arduino sending data, captured by a LDR, to be recieved from processing and translated to an animation, an interaction. I can comunicate the two aplications, i can read the values from arduino printed in the printboard of processing, but i dont know why doesn't process the function well.

i paste the both codes below: arduino and processing, if somebody can help me to resolve this problem. thanks a lot


import processing.serial.*;
Serial port;

int val;
int myString;

BlinkingEye eye1;
float y;
float x;

void setup()

 port = new Serial(this,"/dev/cu.usbserial-A9005f9C",9600);
// println ("port: /dev/cu.usbserial-A9005f9C");
// println(Serial.list());

 eye1 = new BlinkingEye(width, height);
 //eye2 = new BlinkingEye(width, height);  

void draw()


 byte[] buffer = new byte[val];

 while (port.available() > 0) {
   buffer = port.readBytes();

   if (buffer != null) {
     String myString = new String(buffer);
//please someone can explain me this part?(the while and if)

 if(myString < 900){
   x = 100;
   y = 60;
   x = 60;
   y = 60;

 eye1.update(x, y);


*the code for the class is declared in a new tab.


//mostrar valores processing

int pinLed= 10;
int pinLDR = 2;

int myString;
int val=0;

void setup() {
 pinMode(pinLed, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
 val = analogRead(pinLDR);
 myString = analogRead(pinLDR);

   val = Serial.read();
 if(val < 900) //valor variable en consonancia a la luz y la sensibilidad del LDR
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