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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpPrograms › getting the direction of a moving point
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getting the direction of a moving point (Read 1287 times)
getting the direction of a moving point
Jan 31st, 2009, 7:39pm
Hi, ive got a question, hope you can help me.

lets say i got a moving point, particle or whatever and want it to draw a line when it moves but the line should always draw a thick line. so when the point moves up everything is fine but when it moves sidesways i just get a thin line. So it looks "Kalligraphic".
So i have to rotate the line in a direction so that it always draws a thick line...but how would i do that? do i have to compare the actual position with the last postion? Thank you!
Re: getting the direction of a moving point
Reply #1 - Feb 1st, 2009, 10:10am

But showing how you draw the line might help us in understanding your issue.
Re: getting the direction of a moving point
Reply #2 - Feb 1st, 2009, 10:59am
Sorry. I guess this would be a good example. cause im working with particles too using traer physics.
so the line should rotate somehow that it always draws a thick line. Thank you for your help PhiLho.

import traer.physics.*;

Particle mouse, b;
ParticleSystem physics;

void setup()
 size( 400, 400 );
 frameRate( 24 );
 ellipseMode( CENTER );

 physics = new ParticleSystem( 0, 0.1 );
 mouse = physics.makeParticle();
 b = physics.makeParticle( 1.0, random( 0, width ), random( 0, height ), 0 );

 physics.makeAttraction( mouse, b, 10000, 10 );

void draw()
 mouse.moveTo( mouseX, mouseY, 0 );
 handleBoundaryCollisions( b );

 // background( 255 );

 fill( 255, 0, 0 );
 ellipse( mouse.position().x(), mouse.position().y(),  5,  5 );

 fill( 0, 255, 0 );
 line(b.position().x()-10, b.position().y(),b.position().x()+10, b.position().y());


// really basic collision strategy:
void handleBoundaryCollisions( Particle p )
 if ( p.position().x() < 0 || p.position().x() > width )
   p.setVelocity( -0.9*p.velocity().x(), p.velocity().y(), 0 );
 if ( p.position().y() < 0 || p.position().y() > height )
   p.setVelocity( p.velocity().x(), -0.9*p.velocity().y(), 0 );
 p.moveTo( constrain( p.position().x(), 0, width ), constrain( p.position().y(), 0, height ), 0 );

Re: getting the direction of a moving point
Reply #3 - Feb 1st, 2009, 11:11am
No need for matrix rotation, I think.
A simple change can be to add:
float prevX, prevY;
before setup()
and to change the line call to:
 line(prevX, prevY, b.position().x(), b.position().y());
 prevX = b.position().x(); prevY = b.position().y();

Might need some little refinements (avoiding initial draw to 0,0, limiting length of line or making it constant...), but that's the base idea.
Re: getting the direction of a moving point
Reply #4 - Feb 1st, 2009, 11:57am
Thats cool, i never thought about this solution.
But the line was just an example for some more complex brushes. Do you have any other tipps if it would look like this ?

import traer.physics.*;

Particle mouse, b;
ParticleSystem physics;

void setup()
 size( 400, 400 );
 frameRate( 24 );
 ellipseMode( CENTER );

 physics = new ParticleSystem( 0, 0.1 );
 mouse = physics.makeParticle();
 b = physics.makeParticle( 1.0, random( 0, width ), random( 0, height ), 0 );

 physics.makeAttraction( mouse, b, 10000, 10 );

void draw()
 mouse.moveTo( mouseX, mouseY, 0 );
 handleBoundaryCollisions( b );

 // background( 255 );

 fill( 255, 0, 0 );
 ellipse( mouse.position().x(), mouse.position().y(),  5,  5 );

 line(b.position().x()-10, b.position().y(),b.position().x()+10, b.position().y());
 ellipse(b.position().x()-10, b.position().y(),3,3);
 ellipse(b.position().x()+10, b.position().y(),3,3);


// really basic collision strategy:
void handleBoundaryCollisions( Particle p )
 if ( p.position().x() < 0 || p.position().x() > width )
   p.setVelocity( -0.9*p.velocity().x(), p.velocity().y(), 0 );
 if ( p.position().y() < 0 || p.position().y() > height )
   p.setVelocity( p.velocity().x(), -0.9*p.velocity().y(), 0 );
 p.moveTo( constrain( p.position().x(), 0, width ), constrain( p.position().y(), 0, height ), 0 );  

Re: getting the direction of a moving point
Reply #5 - Feb 1st, 2009, 2:28pm
 float x = b.position().x();
 float y = b.position().y();
 PVector v = new PVector(x - prevX, y - prevY);
 line(x + v.x, y + v.y, x, y);
 ellipse(x + v.x, y + v.y,3,3);
 ellipse(x, y,3,3);
 prevX = x; prevY = y;

But indeed, as the shape gets more complex, using pushMatrix, rotate and popMatrix might be more usable... Smiley

I got:
float prevX, prevY;
PVector xAxis = new PVector(1, 0);

void setup()
// In draw()
 float x = b.position().x();
 float y = b.position().y();
 drawVector(x, y, new PVector(x - prevX, y - prevY));
 prevX = x; prevY = y;

void drawVector(float x, float y, PVector v)
float a = PVector.angleBetween(v, xAxis);
if (v.y < 0)
a = TWO_PI - a;
translate(x, y);

line(0, 0, 20, 0);
fill(244, 0, 0);
ellipse(0, 0, 3, 3);
ellipse(20, 0, 3, 3);

Not 100% sure about my maths, but it behaves almost correctly... Smiley
[EDIT] I loose some information with angleBetween, having an angle between 0 and PI (which make sense, somehow), not between 0 and TWO_PI.
Sometime, the shape is perpendicular to the trajectory, not sure how to fix that yet.
[EDIT] I finally got it right, the fix is the test on sign of y.
Re: getting the direction of a moving point
Reply #6 - Feb 1st, 2009, 11:00pm
That looks pretty cool. I will take some time tomorrow and look at the code to understand what the math behind it is. So i also understand it this time Smiley thank you!
Re: getting the direction of a moving point
Reply #7 - Feb 6th, 2009, 7:20pm
PhiLho, i spend some time trying to understand. its working great. I guess i would have never come up with this solution. But now i know how to do it.
Thanks again!
Re: getting the direction of a moving point
Reply #8 - Feb 6th, 2009, 9:45pm
I am glad it was useful, I learned a bit while doing it.
For the record, I made a little sketch to study the angle given by angleBetween:
PVector xAxis = new PVector(1, 0);

float ox, oy;
float px, py;

void setup()
size(400, 400);
ox = width / 2; oy = height / 2;
PFont font = loadFont("AmericanTypewriter-24.vlw");
textFont(font, 12);

void draw()


void DisplayAngle()
PVector v = new PVector(mouseX - ox, mouseY - oy);
float rawAngle = PVector.angleBetween(v, xAxis);
float angle = rawAngle;
if (v.y < 0)
angle = TWO_PI - angle;

translate(ox, oy);

line(0, 0, 170, 0);
ellipse(170, 0, 7, 7);

text("Angle C: " + f(rawAngle) + " " + f(rawAngle / PI) +
" -> " + f(angle) + " " + f(angle / PI), 0, 380);

void DrawVector()
if (pmouseX != mouseX) px = pmouseX;
if (pmouseY != mouseY) py = pmouseY;
float dx = mouseX - px;
float dy = mouseY - py;
PVector v = new PVector(dx, dy);
float rawAngle = PVector.angleBetween(v, xAxis);
float angle = rawAngle;
if (v.y < 0)
angle = TWO_PI - angle;
translate(mouseX, mouseY);

line(0, 0, 100, 0);
ellipse(0, 0, 7, 7);
ellipse(100, 0, 5, 5);

text("Angle V: " + f(rawAngle) + " " + f(rawAngle / PI) +
" -> " + f(angle) + " " + f(angle / PI), 0, 330);
text("d: " + f(dx) + " " + f(dy), 0, 350);

String f(float f)
return String.format("%3.2f", f);
Re: getting the direction of a moving point
Reply #9 - Feb 7th, 2009, 1:42am
So you want to draw a line perpendicular to the particle's movement?  If so, there's an easy identity for rotating by 90-degrees: swap both and negate one of x,y.  For example, assuming you want a line 10 units off both sides:

Vector3D p = b.position();
Vector3D v = b.velocity().unit().multiplyBy(10);
line(p.x()-v.y(), p.y()+v.x(), p.x()+v.y(), p.y()-v.x());

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