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IndexProcessing DevelopmentLibraries,  Tool Development › Processing Quick Look Plugin BETA(RC) out
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Processing Quick Look Plugin BETA(RC) out (Read 1263 times)
Processing Quick Look Plugin BETA(RC) out
Jan 20th, 2009, 9:14pm
Just pushed beta out:

The plugin enables user to view the contents of Processing sketches (Processing Development Environment .pde) in Quick Look window without even opening them. Plugin also enables thumbnail / icon creation, which allows to browse sketches in Cover Flow.


Mac OS 10.5. UB


• Copy processing.qlgenerator into /Libary/QuickLook or ~/Libary/QuickLook.
• To reset all generators in Terminal.app write qlmanage -r
• If You have already previous processing.qlgenerator installed
- then simply overwrite the old one and issue qlmanage -r command to register the new plugin
- if OS X says that current processing.qlgenerator is in use and thus cannot replace old plugin then issue qlmanage -r command, overwrite old plugin and once again call qlmanage -r to register the new plugin

Version history

• v0.1beta
Release candidate:

- Preview in Quick Look with custom display name containing:
> sketch name
> sketchbook name
> notifier if the currently viewed sketch is the main sketch for this sketchbook
- Thumbnails for Cover Flow and icons in Finder.app
> image includes all the typical icon decor, such as shadows and a curled corner
> generated more than 3x faster as in alpha version
- Smart syntax coloring
> notifies if there might be a syntax error
To do:
- Basically, this is it. I'd happy about some response from users (if any).
- The code that upon request could be changed is text size for thumbnails. When browsing sketches in Cover Flow one cannot exactly see the text because it's to small.  Suggestion is to make it bigger and crop, so user clearly can see the beginning of the sketch, which helps to identify the contents.

Screens and dl at

If Processing dev team finds this plugin working and useful, then feel free to bundle it with OSX Processing download or put up in http://www.processing.org/reference/tools/index.html. If beta will be working for everyone I will clean up the source, finish commenting it and release under the same GPL as Processing (the current "copyleft" actually gives the same freedom:)), so You would have total freedom to redistribute it.

happy alphaquicklookin'

plugin is built as 32/64 Universal, but I have tested it only on Intel machines. please test it on PPC.

Please report here or in krokoarch comments if you have any problems.
On problem please also give additional info:
• version OSX 10.5.X?.
• intel/ppc?,

Have you "hacked" QuickLook to be able view sketches (possibly plain-text UTI)? if true then, please, UN-hack that or you will end up with unpredictable results - QuickLook engine will be confused whether to use your hacked UTI type or this "correct way of doing things" plugin.

Re: Processing Quick Look Plugin alpha out
Reply #1 - Jan 20th, 2009, 11:48pm
Intel Mac
OS X 10.5.5

Works like a charm !

Thanks a lot.
Re: Processing Quick Look Plugin alpha out
Reply #2 - Jan 21st, 2009, 4:18pm
Works fine here too!

Thanks alot!
Re: Processing Quick Look Plugin BETA(RC) out
Reply #3 - Jan 22nd, 2009, 8:28pm
beta out. see info above.
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