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Drawing lines (Read 694 times)
Drawing lines
Jan 13th, 2009, 12:32am
So, I have been banging my head against the wall for a bit on this one, and hopefully someone can help with this.

I have been trying to draw lines from coordinates, so that it looks as if they are being drawn in real time by a pen or paintbrush.  The cords are pixel locations from an image that I load up with the sketch.

Now, the problem that I am having is that I have an array with all of the cords with the pixel locations, and that's all good, but since they are not loaded into the array by order of proximity along the lines of the drawing, (just in a top down for-loop) I can't just slowly iterate through the array.  I want it to follow a line, not just a top down revealing of points.

Anyone have any ideas?

I'd post code, but this seems more concept than code based, but I can post my code if needed.
Re: Drawing lines
Reply #1 - Jan 13th, 2009, 1:13am
I think what is needed is a model for your "lines."  It also depends on what type of images it is trying to draw as well.

How about starting from a point (random or semi-random), set a random direction, select a rectangular boundary based on how thick a brush stroke should be, then fit your line using least-square of the residuals for the pixel within the boundary?

Oh, I don't know if this helps without some kind of example code.  Do you have a simplified version of your code?
Re: Drawing lines
Reply #2 - Jan 13th, 2009, 1:29am
thanks! I think I might try that approach.  It'll change around the code that I am about to post, but that's cool! Smiley

Anyway, you're right, I should post my code.  So here it is in all it's half baked glory:

UPDATE:  It's a b/w line drawing that I am trying to recreate.  


PImage a;
int[] aPixels;
float adv=0;
Cords cords = new Cords();

void setup() {
 a = loadImage("naomi_portrait.jpg");
 size(a.width, a.height);
 aPixels = new int[width*height];

void draw(){
 fill(0, 175);
 for (int i=0; i<adv; i++) {
   ellipse(cords.getX(i),cords.getY(i), 1,1);

 adv=adv + 0.75;
if (adv>cords.length()) adv=0;

void colorRun(int thresh) {

 int counter = 0;

 for (int y=1; y<height-1; y++) {
   for (int x=1; x<width-1; x++) {

     int loc = x + y*width;

     if (brightness(a.pixels[loc])<thresh) cords.add(x,y);



class Cords {

ArrayList x = new ArrayList();
ArrayList y = new ArrayList();

 public Cords() {


 void add(int xCord, int yCord) {



 int getX(int i) {
   java.lang.Integer tmp = (java.lang.Integer) x.get(i);
   return tmp;

 int getY(int i) {
   java.lang.Integer tmp = (java.lang.Integer) y.get(i);
   return tmp;

 int length() {
   return x.size();


Re: Drawing lines
Reply #3 - Jan 13th, 2009, 2:15am
I see, in that case, my solution is probably not the best way.
Re: Drawing lines
Reply #4 - Jan 13th, 2009, 2:40am
I feel bad about the first solution, so I cooked up a much simpler solution that might help.


PImage a;
int[] aPixels;
float adv=0;
Cords cords = new Cords();

void setup() {
 a = loadImage("naomi_portrait.jpg");
 size(a.width, a.height);
 aPixels = new int[width*height];


int penX = 0;
int penY = 0;

void draw(){

 int i = cords.getClosestIndex(penX,penY);
 if(i >= 0){
 fill(0, 175);
 //for (int i=0; i<adv; i++) {

   ellipse(cords.getX(i),cords.getY(i), 1,1);

 adv=adv + 0.75;
 if (adv>cords.length()) adv=0;
 penX = cords.getX(i);
 penY = cords.getY(i);


void colorRun(int thresh) {
 int counter = 0;
 for (int y=1; y<height-1; y++) {
   for (int x=1; x<width-1; x++) {
     int loc = x + y*width;
     if (brightness(a.pixels[loc])<thresh) cords.add(x,y);

class Cords {

 ArrayList vectorList = new ArrayList();

 //ArrayList x = new ArrayList();
 //ArrayList y = new ArrayList();

 public Cords() {


 void add(int xCord, int yCord) {


   vectorList.add(new PVector(xCord, yCord));


 int getX(int i) {

   //java.lang.Integer tmp = (java.lang.Integer) x.get(i);
   //return tmp;
   PVector v = (PVector)vectorList.get(i);
   return (int)v.x;

 int getY(int i) {

   //java.lang.Integer tmp = (java.lang.Integer) y.get(i);

   //return tmp;
   PVector v = (PVector)vectorList.get(i);
   return (int)v.y;

 int length() {
   //return x.size();
   return vectorList.size();

 int getClosestIndex(int xCord, int yCord){
   int answerIndex = -1;
   float bestDistance = dist(0, 0, width, height);
   PVector targetVector = new PVector(xCord, yCord);
   for(int i = 0; i < vectorList.size(); i++){
     PVector v = (PVector)vectorList.get(i);
     float d = dist(targetVector.x, targetVector.y, v.x, v.y);
     if(d < bestDistance){
       answerIndex = i;
       bestDistance = d;

    return answerIndex;
 void killAPixel(int deathIdx){


Re: Drawing lines
Reply #5 - Jan 13th, 2009, 2:45am
Thats it!! Thank you!!  Seriously, thank you.  I have been banging my head on this for a long while now.
Re: Drawing lines
Reply #6 - Jan 13th, 2009, 2:50am
Welcome, that was fun. Smiley

Few bugs here and there, but if you can favor a certain direction of the "stroke" in each "closest pixel" algorithm, I think you have a legit stroke (e.g., if you want right-handed, favor "/" type diagonal).

Good luck with your project!
Re: Drawing lines
Reply #7 - Jan 13th, 2009, 10:37am
Without looking much at the code, I thought you might be interested by Help for a newbi french student thread, which probably use a different algorithm but have a similar goal. Say that's for cross-reference. Wink
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