YaBB Newbies
Posts: 27
Re: OPENGL and video
Reply #1 - Jan 14th , 2009, 9:35pm
This worked for me: /** * Esfera by David Pena * Modified to to use MovieMaker with code from the * DrawingMovie example * Distribucion aleatoria uniforme sobre la superficie de una esfera. * Runs slowly - be patient. * Press space-bar to stop recording. */ import processing.video.*; MovieMaker mm; import processing.opengl.*; int cuantos = 8000; pelo[] lista ; float[] z = new float[cuantos]; float[] phi = new float[cuantos]; float[] largos = new float[cuantos]; float radio = 200; float rx = 0; float ry =0; void setup() { size(320, 240, OPENGL); mm = new MovieMaker(this, width, height, "esfera.mov"); radio = height/3.5; lista = new pelo[cuantos]; for (int i=0; i<cuantos; i++){ lista[i] = new pelo(); } noiseDetail(3); } void draw() { background(0); translate(width/2,height/2); float rxp = ((mouseX-(width/2))*0.005); float ryp = ((mouseY-(height/2))*0.005); rx = (rx*0.9)+(rxp*0.1); ry = (ry*0.9)+(ryp*0.1); rotateY(rx); rotateX(ry); fill(0); noStroke(); sphere(radio); for (int i=0;i<cuantos;i++){ lista[i].dibujar(); } mm.addFrame(); } void keyPressed() { if (key == ' ') { // Finish the movie if space bar is pressed mm.finish(); // Quit running the sketch once the file is written exit(); } } class pelo { float z = random(-radio,radio); float phi = random(TWO_PI); float largo = random(1.15,1.2); float theta = asin(z/radio); void dibujar(){ float off = (noise(millis() * 0.0005,sin(phi))-0.5) * 0.3; float offb = (noise(millis() * 0.0007,sin(z) * 0.01)-0.5) * 0.3; float thetaff = theta+off; float phff = phi+offb; float x = radio * cos(theta) * cos(phi); float y = radio * cos(theta) * sin(phi); float z = radio * sin(theta); float msx= screenX(x,y,z); float msy= screenY(x,y,z); float xo = radio * cos(thetaff) * cos(phff); float yo = radio * cos(thetaff) * sin(phff); float zo = radio * sin(thetaff); float xb = xo * largo; float yb = yo * largo; float zb = zo * largo; beginShape(LINES); stroke(0); vertex(x,y,z); stroke(200,150); vertex(xb,yb,zb); endShape(); } }