YaBB Newbies
Posts: 1
Problem with proXML lib
Jan 7th , 2009, 10:57pm
I just tried to use an example of proXML, but I get this error message: "The type of XMLElement is ambiguous" What`s the problem? /* this is a more complex example demonstrating the possibilities of proxml. In the example the user can draw ellipses that are saved into a xml file. This file is loaded on the next start of the program. If there exists an xml file it is loaded and the content is drawn as ellipses. Otherwise the xml element is created. */ import proxml.*; //to store the background after painting an ellipse PImage back; //xml element to store and load the drawn ellipses XMLElement ellipses; XMLInOut xmlInOut; int xPos = 0; int yPos = 0; void setup(){ size(400,400); smooth(); background(255); //load ellipses from file if it exists xmlInOut = new XMLInOut(this); try{ xmlInOut.loadElement("ellipse.xml"); }catch(Exception e){ //if the xml file could not be loaded it has to be created xmlEvent(new XMLElement("ellipses")); } } void xmlEvent(XMLElement element){ ellipses = element; initEllipses(); //initialise PImage for background back = new PImage(width,height); loadPixels(); back.pixels = pixels; } void draw(){ } //draw all ellipses saved in the xml file void initEllipses(){ ellipses.printElementTree(" "); XMLElement ellipse; XMLElement position; XMLElement size; for(int i = 0; i < ellipses.countChildren();i++){ ellipse = ellipses.getChild(i); position = ellipse.getChild(0); size = ellipse.getChild(1); ellipse( position.getIntAttribute("xPos"), position.getIntAttribute("yPos"), size.getFloatAttribute("Xsize"), size.getFloatAttribute("Ysize") ); } } void mousePressed(){ xPos = mouseX; yPos = mouseY; } void mouseDragged(){ background(back); ellipse(xPos,yPos,abs(xPos-mouseX),abs(yPos-mouseY)); } void mouseReleased(){ XMLElement ellipse = new XMLElement("ellipse"); ellipses.addChild(ellipse); XMLElement position = new XMLElement("position"); position.addAttribute("xPos",xPos); position.addAttribute("yPos",yPos); ellipse.addChild(position); XMLElement size = new XMLElement("size"); size.addAttribute("Xsize",abs(xPos-mouseX)); size.addAttribute("Ysize",abs(yPos-mouseY)); ellipse.addChild(size); xmlInOut.saveElement(ellipses,"ellipse.xml"); loadPixels(); back.pixels = pixels; }