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IndexDiscussionExhibition › QuadWarp: capture from isight and live warping
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QuadWarp: capture from isight and live warping (Read 1027 times)
QuadWarp: capture from isight and live warping
Jan 7th, 2009, 3:52pm
Hi. I wanted to be able to capture an image directly into a simple quadrant warper sketch I had made, so I looked up Tjerk Timan's time-image isight sketch and made this.

Here's a youtube preview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWTMrgV1CZk



/* Hi,
This sketch lets you capture and warp an image from your camera!
I hacked the capture part of this out of Tjerk Timan's time-image isight sketch:
It worked by default on my built-in macbook cam, but I'm not sure how universal it is.
Drop me a line if you like this / modify it into something cooler
Jack Perkins, jackaperkins@gmail.com [ January/7th/2009 ]

import processing.video.*;
Capture myCapture; // our capture destination variable 'myCapture'
PImage a; // a-d represent the image quadrants that we'll chop myCapture into
PImage b;
PImage c;
PImage d;
float xx=240; //xx and yy specify the current centerpoint of our warp, which will seek to the mouse
float yy=180;
float speed=.1; // speed is our movement % for smoothing the warp centerpoint as it chases the mouse (set to 1 for instant tracking)
int mode=0; // mode specifies whether we are capturing (0) or warping (1), changed by clicking the mouse

void setup(){
frameRate(60); // because 30 is boring
myCapture = new Capture(this, 480, 360, 25); // I'm not exactly sure...

//defines the four quadrant images as being the four quarters of myCapture
a = myCapture.get(0, 0, myCapture.width/2, myCapture.height/2);
b = myCapture.get(myCapture.width/2, 0, width, myCapture.height/2);
c = myCapture.get(0, myCapture.height/2, myCapture.width/2, myCapture.height);
d = myCapture.get(myCapture.width/2, myCapture.height/2, myCapture.width, myCapture.height);

// captureEvent runs everytime a new frame is availible rrom the cam
void captureEvent(Capture myCapture) {
// If a new frame is Availible and we're in mode zero, update our myCapture variable
if (mode==0){

void draw() {

// MODE=0 Aiming with crosshairs, constantly capturing
if (mode==0){

// draw the straight capture of the webcam on the screen

// draw the crosshairs with randomly black/white lines

} else {
// MODE=1 Warping, following the mouse and not re-capturing

//xx and yy are adjusted to move towards the mouse based on a percentage of their current distance

// Draw out the four images so that their center corners lie at XX,YY


// If the mouse is pressed...
void mousePressed() {
if (mode==0) {
// ...and we're in mode 0, turn off the cursor, copy the last captured frame and split it into a-d, change to mode 1
a = myCapture.get(0, 0, myCapture.width/2, myCapture.height/2);
b = myCapture.get(myCapture.width/2, 0, width, myCapture.height/2);
c = myCapture.get(0, myCapture.height/2, myCapture.width/2, myCapture.height);
d = myCapture.get(myCapture.width/2, myCapture.height/2, myCapture.width, myCapture.height);
} else {
// ...and we're in mode 1, turn the cursor back on and change to mode 0

Re: QuadWarp: capture from isight and live warping
Reply #1 - Jan 7th, 2009, 9:01pm
Hi very cool fx.
I've modified your code to make it realtime.

import processing.video.*; 
Capture myCapture; // our capture destination variable 'myCapture'
PImage a; // a-d represent the image quadrants that we'll chop myCapture into
PImage b;
PImage c;
PImage d;
float xx=240; //xx and yy specify the current centerpoint of our warp, which will seek to the mouse
float yy=180;
float speed=.1; // speed is our movement % for smoothing the warp centerpoint as it chases the mouse (set to 1 for instant tracking)

void setup(){
 frameRate(60); // because 30 is boring
 myCapture = new Capture(this, 480, 360, 25); // I'm not exactly sure...
 //defines the four quadrant images as being the four quarters of myCapture
 a = myCapture.get(0, 0, myCapture.width/2, myCapture.height/2);  
 b = myCapture.get(myCapture.width/2, 0, width, myCapture.height/2);  
 c = myCapture.get(0, myCapture.height/2, myCapture.width/2, myCapture.height);  
 d = myCapture.get(myCapture.width/2, myCapture.height/2, myCapture.width, myCapture.height);  

// captureEvent runs everytime a new frame is availible rrom the cam
void captureEvent(Capture myCapture) {

void draw() {
   a = myCapture.get(0, 0, myCapture.width/2, myCapture.height/2);  
   b = myCapture.get(myCapture.width/2, 0, width, myCapture.height/2);  
   c = myCapture.get(0, myCapture.height/2, myCapture.width/2, myCapture.height);  
   d = myCapture.get(myCapture.width/2, myCapture.height/2, myCapture.width, myCapture.height);  

   //xx and yy are adjusted to move towards the mouse based on a percentage of their current distance
   // Draw out the four images so that their center corners lie at XX,YY
Re: QuadWarp: capture from isight and live warping
Reply #2 - Jan 10th, 2009, 8:33pm
Yeah, I realized I could do that pretty easily too, the only problem is it's hard to keep your face aligned with the center of the warp.

How would I go about finding libraries for real time image warping (closer to photoshop's liquify tool)?
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