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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpPrograms › Rotating objects around a circle
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Rotating objects around a circle (Read 333 times)
Rotating objects around a circle
Jan 4th, 2009, 5:56pm
Hello everyone.  I am new to Processing and to this forum.  I appreciate the great community everyone has created.

I am trying to create a program that displays objects and rotates them around the same circle.  However, I want each object to be created in a random X and Y location, and rotate from there.  Here is my current source code:
Orb[] o;
int numOrbs = 2;
float attractRadius = 50.0;
float attractX = 70.0;
float attractY = 90.0;
float step = 0.001;

void setup() {
 size(485, 200);

 o = new Orb[numOrbs];
 for (int i=0; i<numOrbs; i++){
   o[i] = new Orb(random(width), random(height), 10);

void draw() {
 for (int i=0; i<numOrbs; i++) {
   stroke(100, 50);
   line(attractX, attractY, o[i].px, o[i].py);

 fill(255, 50);
 ellipse(attractX, attractY, attractRadius, attractRadius);    // orbs are attracted to this

class Orb {
 float x, y; // x-coordinate, y-coordinate
 float radius;
 float angle;
 float px, py;
 float frequency = 2;
 // Constructor
 Orb(float xpos, float ypos, float rad) {
   x = xpos;
   y = ypos;
   radius = rad;
 void display() {
   ellipse(px, py, radius, radius);
 void move() {
   px = attractX + cos(radians(angle)) * ((attractRadius + x)/2);
   py = attractY + sin(radians(angle)) * ((attractRadius + x)/2);

   angle -= frequency;

   println("xpos: " + px + " , ypos: " + py);

The problem I am running into is that the objects all form on the same line, not in completely random locations on the screen.  Can anyone offer help?  Thank you!
Re: Rotating objects around a circle
Reply #1 - Jan 4th, 2009, 7:12pm

Try setting a different angle for each Orb.
Re: Rotating objects around a circle
Reply #2 - Jan 4th, 2009, 8:42pm
Thanks Kiza.  I did try that, but it didn't work:

Here is the attempted solution:
void setup() {
 size(485, 200);

 o = new Orb[numOrbs];
 for (int i=0; i<numOrbs; i++){
   o[i] = new Orb(random(width), random(height), 10, random(TWO_PI));
 // Constructor
 Orb(float xpos, float ypos, float rad, float ang) {
   x = xpos;
   y = ypos;
   radius = rad;
   ang = angle;

Am I making a very obvious mistake here?
Re: Rotating objects around a circle
Reply #3 - Jan 4th, 2009, 8:57pm
maybe the angles are too subtle.  hack:


Orb[] o;
int numOrbs = 100;
float attractRadius = 50.0;
float attractX = 70.0;
float attractY = 90.0;
float step = 0.001;

void setup() {
size(485, 500);

o = new Orb[numOrbs];

for (int i=0; i<numOrbs; i++){
o[i] = new Orb(random(width), random(height), 10, random(0, 1000), random(3,5)/10);

void draw() {
for (int i=0; i<numOrbs; i++) {
stroke(100, 50);
line(attractX, attractY, o[i].px, o[i].py);

fill(255, 50);
ellipse(attractX, attractY, attractRadius, attractRadius); // orbs are attracted to this

class Orb {
float x, y; // x-coordinate, y-coordinate
float radius;

float angle;
float angle1 = 0;
float px, py;
float frequency = 2;

// Constructor
Orb(float xpos, float ypos, float rad, float ang, float freq) {
x = xpos;
y = ypos;
radius = rad;
angle = ang;
frequency = freq;

void display() {
ellipse(px, py, radius, radius);

void move() {

px = attractX + cos(radians(angle+angle1)) * ((attractRadius + x)/2);
py = attractY + sin(radians(angle+angle1)) * ((attractRadius + x)/2);

angle1 -= frequency;

println("xpos: " + px + " , ypos: " + py + ", angle" + angle);
Re: Rotating objects around a circle
Reply #4 - Jan 4th, 2009, 9:16pm
Thank you!
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