YaBB Newbies
Posts: 3
woriking with midi data input
Jan 1st , 2009, 3:22pm
Hey, i'm quite new to processing. I'm fighting with the code concerning working with midi data input. I'm able to get pitch and velocity, but i want to use these variables "vel" and "pit" to manipulate my visual stuff. please help! code: import JMyron.*; import promidi.*; import processing.opengl.*; JMyron m;//a camera object MidiIO midiIO; int MyMusic = noteOff(Note note, int deviceNumber, int midiChannel); void setup(){ size(1024,576); m = new JMyron();//make a new instance of the object m.start(width,height);//start a capture at 320x240 //m.findGlobs(20);//disable the intelligence to speed up frame rate println("Myron " + m.version()); rectMode(RIGHT); stroke(0,0,0); midiIO = MidiIO.getInstance(this); println("printPorts of midiIO"); midiIO.printDevices(); //÷ffnen des LoopBe Inputs, Channel 3(== Wert 2) <- MUSS angepasst werden midiIO.openInput(0,0); frameRate(120); } int noteOn( Note note, int deviceNumber, int midiChannel ){ //Aus der ¸bergebenen Note holen wir uns Velocity und Pitch int vel = note.getVelocity(); int pit = note.getPitch(); println("noteOn, Velocity: " + vel + ", Pitch: " + pit); return vel; } //Event Handler f¸r den Midi Befehl Note On. //Wird ausgef¸hrt, sobald ¸ber das geˆffnete Device ein NoteOff kommt. int noteOff( Note note, int deviceNumber, int midiChannel ){ //Aus der ¸bergebenen Note holen wir uns Velocity int pit = note.getPitch(); println("noteOff, Pitch: " + pit); return pit; } void draw(){ background(0); m.update();//update the camera view int[] img = m.image(); //get the normal image of the camera float r,g,b; for(int y=0;y<height;y+=5){ //loop through all the pixels for(int x=0;x<width;x+=100){ //loop through all the pixels float av = (red(img[y*width])+red(img[y*width])+red(img[y*width]))/10; fill(red(123),green(20),blue(20)); fill(255); pushMatrix(); translate(y*10,y+200); for(int j = 10; j<200; j = j+1) { rotate(av/j); } for(int i = 0; i<10; i = i+1) { rect(0,0,av*i,av*i/(i/10)); } popMatrix(); } } //saveFrame("glitch3-####.tiff"); } void mousePressed(){ m.settings();//click the window to get the settings } public void stop(){ m.stop();//stop the object super.stop(); } thx