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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpIntegration › Help calling a class method from beanscript
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Help calling a class method from beanscript (Read 547 times)
Help calling a class method from beanscript
Jan 1st, 2009, 3:20am

I'm having trouble passing an object to a beanscript interpreter, then calling a method from that object from within a beanscript file.  

I have a class named "Pattern", and I'm trying to send in an object of this class into the Interpreter using the bsh.Interpreter::set(String,Object) method.

Here's "my" code.  (Most of it is copied from an Interpreter wrapper that was posted as part of an example for live coding.)

Here's the basics of the Interpreter wrapper.  


class Interpreter {
bsh.Interpreter ip = null;

ip = new bsh.Interpreter();
ip.eval("import processing.core.*;");

public void setPattern(String name, Pattern obj){
ip.set(name, obj);
catch(bsh.EvalError e){

Here's my code that calls it:


File setupScript = new File(dataPath("setup.bsh"));

// draft_sequencer1.get_pattern() returns a Pattern object
ip.setPattern("p1", draft_sequencer1.get_pattern());


Here's setup.bsh (my beanscript):


p1.shrink(5); // shrink is a method of Pattern

Here's the error that I keep getting:


Sourced file: C:\Documents and Settings\Bret Truchan\My Documents\Processing\Quotile\data\setup.bsh : Error in method invocation: Method shrink( int ) not found in class'Quotile$Pattern' : at Line: 1 : in file: C:\Documents and Settings\Bret Truchan\My Documents\Processing\Quotile\data\setup.bsh : p1 .shrink ( 5 )

Just for giggles, here's a portion of class Pattern:


class Pattern
void shrink(int percentage)
this.stretch(-1 * percentage);

Any ideas why beanscript is unable to locate the shrink method in p1?
Re: Help calling a class method from beanscript
Reply #1 - Jan 1st, 2009, 3:53am
I think I figured it out:


This allowed me to call the methods in the object that I passed in.  

EDIT: Everything works perfectly!  Awesome!

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