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Rose Neuron (Read 669 times)
Rose Neuron
Dec 17th, 2008, 10:06pm
Hey Processors, I spent a lazy afternoon coding up this model of a bunch of Hindmarsh-Rose neurons in kind of a Game of Life type connection structure (connect to the surrounding six neurons, weighted by random synaptic strengths). I've done some bit fiddling to get things to work a little better and the results so far are encouraging, but I haven't gotten continually sustained firing with the current set of parameters (it may just need more inputs) . Perhaps you all would like to give it a go?

NB: click the window to set random initial conditions and start it over. The pulsing white square in the center is the external input.

Some things to do: add Hebbian learning/STDP rule to synapse weights, tweak neuron parameters, change approach to the solving the differential equation, etc.
Re: Rose Neuron
Reply #1 - Dec 19th, 2008, 7:15am
I've just implemented learning in the model as well, here's the abstraction I'm using for synapses that learn with STDP:

class Synapse{
float w; //current weight
int pre = 0; //time since the last presynaptic

//spike (0 means no spike, 1 means

//spike this frame, 2 means last

//frame was a spike, etc.)
float preT = 1.4; //presynaptic spike threshold
int post = 0; //time since the last postsynaptic spike
float postT = 1.4;//postsynaptic spike threshold

//STDP learning rule
//index 4 => (pre - post) == 0
//(NB: this can be changed to 5 for auto-associativity)
float[] STDPvals = {0,-0.1,-0.2,-0.4,-1.0,1.0,0.4,0.2,0.1,0};

Synapse(float w, float preT, float postT){
this.w = w;
this.preT = preT;
this.postT = postT;

Synapse(float w){
this.w = w;

float update(float n1, float n2){
w = newWeight(n1,n2);
return w;

float newWeight(float n1, float n2){
if(pre == 0 && post == 0){
pre = (n1 >= preT ? 1 : 0 ); //spike or no spike?
post = (n2 >= postT ? 1 : 0 );
else if(pre == 0 && post > 0){
post += 1; //increment postsynaptic spike counter
pre = (n1 >= preT ? 1 : pre ); //spike? if not don't change the counter
post = (n2 >= postT ? 1 : post );
else if(pre > 0 && post == 0){
pre += 1; //increment presynaptic spike counter
pre = (n1 >= preT ? 1 : pre );
post = (n2 >= postT ? 1 : post );
System.out.println("Call the doctor");

//when we have a pre and post spike pair,
//we change the synaptic weight (plasticity)
if(pre >= 1 && post >= 1){

int sh = limit09(4 + pre - post); // <-- Here
//is where you can change the 4 to a 5
//for auto-associativity

pre = post = 0;

//for debugging:

return calcWeight(w,STDPvals[sh]);
return w;

//sigmoid limits range to 0.0 .. 1.0
float calcWeight(float w, float p){
return sigmoid(2*(float)Math.PI*w*(1 + p));

//limit to array length (tmtowtdi)
int limit09(int n){
return (n<0 ? 0 : (n>9 ? 9 : n));

float getWeight(){
return w;

float sigmoid(float t){
return 1/(1+pow(e,-t)); //float e = (float)Math.E;


To implement this, I've just replaced the matrix of floats I used before with a matrix of Synapse objects, and perform the synapse update when the inputs to each neuron are assembled.
Re: Rose Neuron
Reply #2 - Dec 19th, 2008, 7:33am
Bake for 30 minutes at 350F and you get http://trumlaut.com/Rose3/Rose.zip

This version is a big upgrade, click to add current, press a key to reset.
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