YaBB Newbies
Posts: 20
Decifering code
Dec 14th , 2008, 11:31pm
Hello all!!! I need some help... I would like it if someone could please explain this code to me in detail... I don't understand it or what parts control the animation and I need to figure it out. If someone has the time to help me I would very much apreciate it! Thank you so much Samantha float gauss(float x){ return exp(-x*x/2.0) / sqrt(2*PI); } float gaussI(float z){ // integrated gauss [0..1] if(z<-8.0) return 0.0; if(z> 8.0) return 1.0; float sum=0.0, term=z; for (int i=3; sum+term!=sum; i+=2){ sum =sum+term; term=term*z*z/i; } return 0.5+sum*gauss(z); } float gaussE(float z){ return gaussI(z)*2-1; }// gauss error func==> [-1..0..1] float randomGauss(){ float x=0,y=0,r,c; do{ x=random(-1.0,1.0); y=random(-1.0,1.0); r=x*x+y*y; }while(r==0 || r>1); c=sqrt(-2.0*log(r)/r); return x*c; //return [x*c, y*c]; } float randomGaussIn(float L, float H, float mul){ return constrain( randomGauss()*(H-L)*mul + (L+H)/2.0 ,L,H); } float randomGaussAt(float L, float H, float mul){ return randomGauss()*(H-L)*mul + (L+H)/2.0; } int stars=10000; int Rmax=200; // galaxy radius float speed=0.02; // rotation speed // stars follow elliptic orbits around the center //float eratio=.85; // ellipse ratio //float etwist=8.0/Rmax; // twisting factor (orbit axes depend on radius) float eratio=0.8; float etwist=0.07;//rmax=200 float angle[]=new float[stars]; float radius[]=new float[stars]; float z[]=new float[stars]; float cx; float cy; //center PImage img; void setup(){ size(int(Rmax*3), int(Rmax*2),P3D); background(0); // back to black speed=speed/frameRate; // begin in the center cx = width/2; cy = height/2; // itit stars for (int i=0; i< stars; i++){ angle[i]= random(0,2*PI); radius[i]=((abs(randomGauss())))*Rmax*0.6+0.0; //radius[i]=random(1,Rmax); z[i]=randomGauss()*gauss(radius[i]/Rmax*5.0)*Rmax*0.04; z[i]=abs(z[i]); } // gifExport = new gifAnimation.GifMaker(this, "galaxy.gif"); // gifExport.setRepeat(0); } void draw(){ img=get(); img.resize(round(width*0.5),round(height*0.5)); img.resize(width-2,height-2); tint(245,250,255); image(img,0,0); //fill(0,8); rect(0,0,width,height); noStroke(); float r,a,x,y,b,s,c,xx,yy,dd; for (int i=0; i< stars; i++){ r=radius[i]; a=angle[i]+speed*(Rmax/r)*3.0; // increment angle angle[i]=a; x=r*sin(a); y=r*eratio*cos(a); b=r*etwist; s=sin(b); c=cos(b); xx=cx + s*x + c*y; // a bit of trigo yy=cy + (c*x - s*y)/3.0-z[i]*20.0+cy*0.2; //dd=(r-50.0)*7.0; dd=40000.0/r; fill(color(dd,dd,dd*0.9,32)); if(z[i]>0.2){ if(z[i]>9.0){ fill(color(255,255,255,255)); ellipse(xx,yy,7.0,7.0); fill(color(255,255,255,32)); }else if(z[i]>4.5){ fill(color(255,32,32,64)); ellipse(xx,yy,7.0,7.0); fill(color(255,255,255,32)); }else if(z[i]>4.1){ fill(color(255,255,255,255)); ellipse(xx,yy,7.0,7.0); fill(color(255,255,255,32)); }else{ fill(color(80,128,40,64)); if((i%50)==0){ fill(color(255,255,255,255)); ellipse(xx,yy,7.0,7.0); fill(color(255,255,255,32)); } } } rect(xx-1.5,yy-1.5,3.0,3.0); } // gifExport.setDelay(1); gifExport.addFrame(); } void keyPressed() { if(keyCode == UP) { eratio=eratio*1.02; } if(keyCode == DOWN) { eratio=eratio/1.02; } if(keyCode == LEFT) { etwist=etwist+0.001; } if(keyCode == RIGHT) { etwist=etwist-0.001; } //println("eratio="+eratio+" etwist="+etwist); }