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Decifering code (Read 443 times)
Decifering code
Dec 14th, 2008, 11:31pm
Hello all!!!
I need some help...
I would like it if someone could please explain this code to me in detail... I don't understand it or what parts control the animation and I need to figure it out.

If someone has the time to help me I would very much apreciate it!

Thank you so much


float gauss(float x){ return exp(-x*x/2.0) / sqrt(2*PI); }
float gaussI(float z){ // integrated gauss [0..1]
 if(z<-8.0) return 0.0;
 if(z> 8.0) return 1.0;
 float sum=0.0, term=z;
 for (int i=3; sum+term!=sum; i+=2){
   sum =sum+term;
 return 0.5+sum*gauss(z);
float gaussE(float z){ return gaussI(z)*2-1; }// gauss error func==> [-1..0..1]
float randomGauss(){
float x=0,y=0,r,c;
 do{ x=random(-1.0,1.0);
 }while(r==0 || r>1);
 return x*c; //return [x*c, y*c];
float randomGaussIn(float L, float H, float mul){ return constrain( randomGauss()*(H-L)*mul + (L+H)/2.0  ,L,H);  }
float randomGaussAt(float L, float H, float mul){ return            randomGauss()*(H-L)*mul + (L+H)/2.0;  }

int stars=10000;
int Rmax=200; // galaxy radius
float speed=0.02;  // rotation speed

// stars follow elliptic orbits around the center
//float eratio=.85; // ellipse ratio
//float etwist=8.0/Rmax; // twisting factor (orbit axes depend on radius)
float eratio=0.8;
float etwist=0.07;//rmax=200

float angle[]=new float[stars];
float radius[]=new float[stars];
float z[]=new float[stars];

float cx; float cy; //center

PImage img;

void setup(){
 size(int(Rmax*3), int(Rmax*2),P3D);
 background(0); // back to black

 // begin in the center
 cx = width/2;
 cy = height/2;
 // itit stars
 for (int i=0; i< stars; i++){
   angle[i]= random(0,2*PI);
   radius[i]=((abs(randomGauss())))*Rmax*0.6+0.0;    //radius[i]=random(1,Rmax);
 // gifExport = new gifAnimation.GifMaker(this, "galaxy.gif");
 // gifExport.setRepeat(0);

void draw(){
 //fill(0,8); rect(0,0,width,height);
 float r,a,x,y,b,s,c,xx,yy,dd;
 for (int i=0; i< stars; i++){
   a=angle[i]+speed*(Rmax/r)*3.0; // increment angle
   xx=cx + s*x + c*y; // a bit of trigo
   yy=cy + (c*x - s*y)/3.0-z[i]*20.0+cy*0.2;
     }else if(z[i]>4.5){
     }else if(z[i]>4.1){
 // gifExport.setDelay(1); gifExport.addFrame();

void keyPressed() {
 if(keyCode == UP) { eratio=eratio*1.02; }
 if(keyCode == DOWN) { eratio=eratio/1.02; }
 if(keyCode == LEFT) { etwist=etwist+0.001; }
 if(keyCode == RIGHT) { etwist=etwist-0.001; }  
 //println("eratio="+eratio+" etwist="+etwist);
Re: Decifering code
Reply #1 - Dec 15th, 2008, 5:30am
Which part are you having trouble understanding?
Re: Decifering code
Reply #2 - Dec 15th, 2008, 6:38am
Pretty result.  The code can use a bit of a cleanup, though, so I suggest you try to reorganize the code for better comprehension.

I guess I can start with a rough explanation.  Tell us what part you are confused about.

///this mathy part probably calculates Gauss Distribution.
// it's used later in the animation portion
float gauss(float x){
 return exp(-x*x/2.0) / sqrt(2*PI);

float gaussI(float z){
 // integrated gauss [0..1]  
 if(z<-8.0) return 0.0;  
 if(z> 8.0) return 1.0;  
 float sum=0.0, term=z;  
 for (int i=3; sum+term!=sum; i+=2){  
   sum =sum+term;  
 return 0.5+sum*gauss(z);  

float gaussE(float z){
   // gauss error func==> [-1..0..1]  
   return gaussI(z)*2-1;

float randomGauss(){  
 float x=0,y=0,r,c;  
 }while(r==0 || r>1);  
 return x*c;

float randomGaussIn(float L, float H, float mul){
   return constrain( randomGauss()*(H-L)*mul + (L+H)/2.0,L,H);  

float randomGaussAt(float L, float H, float mul){
   return  randomGauss()*(H-L)*mul + (L+H)/2.0;  


///this part initializes various "global" variables.

int stars=10000;
int Rmax=200; // galaxy radius  
float speed=0.02;  // rotation speed  

// stars follow elliptic orbits around the center  

// ellipse ratio  
float eratio=0.8;  

// twisting factor (orbit axes
float etwist=0.07;  

float angle[]=new float[stars];  
float radius[]=new float[stars];  
float z[]=new float[stars];  

float cx;
float cy;

PImage img;  


///this part is executed prior to actual drawing of galaxy

void setup(){  
 size(int(Rmax*3), int(Rmax*2),P3D);  

 // begin in the center  
 cx = width/2;  
 cy = height/2;
 // itit stars  
 for (int i=0; i< stars; i++){  
   angle[i]= random(0,2*PI);  


///this part is the main animation portion.

void draw(){  

 // This section creates the persistence of vision part by
 // grabbing the previous frame, and darkening it a bit


 float r,a,x,y,b,s,c,xx,yy,dd;  
 for (int i=0; i< stars; i++){  

   // ****************
   // This is where the angle of the galaxy
   // is being changed
   // ****************
   a=angle[i]+speed*(Rmax/r)*3.0; // increment angle  


   // "star" coordinates
   xx=cx + s*x + c*y;  
   yy=cy + (c*x - s*y)/3.0-z[i]*20.0+cy*0.2;  

   // did a bit of a cleanup here because it was repetitive
   // basically this changes the colors of the stars.
                 }else if(z[i]>4.5){  
                         drawCircle(xx,yy,64, 32);
                 }else if(z[i]>4.1){  

void drawCircle(float xx, float yy, float a, float b){

///this is interactive part that tweaks variables with user
// key inputs

void keyPressed() {  
 if(keyCode == UP) { eratio=eratio*1.02; }  
 if(keyCode == DOWN) { eratio=eratio/1.02; }  
 if(keyCode == LEFT) { etwist=etwist+0.001; }  
 if(keyCode == RIGHT) { etwist=etwist-0.001; }  
 //println("eratio="+eratio+" etwist="+etwist);  
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