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NullPointerException ? (Read 463 times)
NullPointerException ?
Dec 13th, 2008, 1:14am
Hi there !

Still working on my li'll project and still getting lot's of errors, thanks to your help, I went throw a lot of them (and my code get lighter ^^), but there still new incomers -_-

so here it is, the new one : I get a NullPointException error on the boule[0].x=100 (and I think it's the same for all the other boule[0,1].y,r,m etc... above it). I looked for other thread about this error but didn't manage to find the solution in this case, so If you have some time, could you have a look please ?

Here is the code (if neeeded I can also display the boule class code, I don't know if it can be related to)


Boule[] boules = new Boule[20];

int width = 400 ;
int height = 400 ;

float gravite;

void setup() {


 gravite = .015;

void draw() {
void create(){
 for(int i=0; i<boules.length; i++){
    boules[i] = new Boule(boules[i].r,boules[i].x,boules[i].y,boules[i].m,i);
void bounce(){
 for(int i=0; i<boules.length; i++){
Re: NullPointerException ?
Reply #1 - Dec 13th, 2008, 2:10am
please post your Boule class as well.
Re: NullPointerException ?
Reply #2 - Dec 13th, 2008, 2:12am
actually just try this:

Boule[] boules = new Boule[20];
Boule[] boules;

and add in setup() this:
boules = new Boule[20];
Re: NullPointerException ?
Reply #3 - Dec 13th, 2008, 1:55pm
Some remarks:
- size() recommends to use literal numbers in its call, so when exporting, Processing will know which size to use.
- If you do the above, you will have width and height variables automatically available and equal to the values you set in the size() call.
- As rebirth said, it is in general better to separate array declaration and setup() (not sure why, in Java it is OK).
- You do the initialization of the array correctly in the create() function, but you forgot to call it before using boules[]! Wink I think that's the main culprit.
Re: NullPointerException ?
Reply #4 - Dec 13th, 2008, 6:04pm
Hi there ! thanks for your help Smiley

I modified the main code, in fact the create() wasn't needed I think (cause I already got a similar fonction in the class code) so I removed it for the draw part, and put a part of it in the setup to initialize correctly values, did I do it in the right way ? )
also, I modified my array declaration as you told me, but I still got the same error (NullPointerException) so I'm a bit lost °-° , anyway here the code :

Main Part :

Boule[] boules;

float gravite;

void setup() {
boules = new Boule[20];





for(int i=0; i<boules.length; i++){
boules[i] = new Boule(boules[i].r,boules[i].x,boules[i].y,boules[i].m,i);

gravite = .015;

void draw() {
for(int i=0; i<boules.length; i++){


and Boule class Part :

class Boule {

float r; // rayon
float x,y; // position

int index;

color c = color(0,0);

float xv = 0; //vélocité actuelle le long de l'axe des x
float yv = 0; //vélocité actuelle le long de l'axe des y

float xd;
float yd;
float d;

float gAngle;
float gTheta; //angle en radians
float gxv; // gravité en x
float gyv; // gravité en y
float m; // masse particule

Boule(float r_init, float x_init, float y_init, float m_init, int i_init) {
x = x_init;
y = y_init;
r = r_init;

index = i_init;

m = m_init;

void action(){

void appliquerGravite(){
for(int i=0; i<boules.length; i++){
if (i != index ){
gAngle = calculAngle(x, y, boules[i].x, boules[i].y);
gTheta = (-(gAngle * PI))/180;
gxv = cos(gTheta) * (-gravite/(r/6));
gyv = sin(gTheta) * (-gravite/(r/6));

boules[i].xv += m*boules[i].gxv;
boules[i].yv += m*boules[i].gyv;
xv += m*gxv;
yv += m*gyv;

void bouge(){

x += xv;
y += yv;


void rebondir_ecran(){

if (x > width-50){
xv = xv-(4/r);}
if(x < 50){
xv = xv+(4/r);}

if (y > height-50){
yv = yv-(4/r);}
if(y < 50){
yv = yv+(4/r);}

void allume (){
for(int i=0; i<boules.length; i++){
if (i != index ){

c = color(150,50);
xd = x - boules[i].x;
yd = y - boules[i].y;

void dessine () {

c = color(0,0,0,128);

float calculDistance(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2){
xd = x1 - x2;
yd = y1 - y2;
d = sqrt(xd * xd + yd * yd);
return d;


float calculAngle ( float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2){
float xd = x1 - x2 ;
float yd = y1 - y2 ;

float t = atan2 (yd,xd);
float a =(180 + (-(180*t) / PI));
return a;
Re: NullPointerException ?
Reply #5 - Dec 14th, 2008, 10:22am
You access boules[0] before initializing it... Put the for loop just after the init of the array (new Boule[]).
Re: NullPointerException ?
Reply #6 - Dec 14th, 2008, 11:09pm
thanks for your answer ^^

I did just as you said, so now it's like this :


Boule[] boules;

float gravite;

void setup() {
 boules = new Boule[20];
  for(int i=0; i<boules.length; i++){
 boules[i] = new Boule(boules[i].r,boules[i].x,boules[i].y,boules[i].m,i);

 gravite = .015;

void draw() {
 for(int i=0; i<boules.length; i++){

but I still got a NullPointerException °_° but the error moved to this line :

boules[i] = new Boule(boules[i].r,boules[i].x,boules[i].y,boules[i].m,i); 

Am I cursed XD ?

in fact, what does mean the NullPointerException ?

edit :

finally I managed to make it work, but by removing some controls. I removed all the way to control values of each Boule object by doing this :

Boule[] boules;

float gravite;

void setup() {
 boules = new Boule[5];
  for(int i=0; i<boules.length; i++){
    float dr = random(5,50);
    float dx = random(width);
    float dy = random(height);
    float dm = random(1,10);
 boules[i] = new Boule(dr,dx,dy,dm,i);


 gravite = .015;

void draw() {
 for(int i=0; i<boules.length; i++){

but now I got to find a way to put back correctly controls on Boule object like boule[i].x = 100 etc... for the moment I didn't find out how to do it, and get back NullPointerException, Do You have any idea of the way to do it properly ?

for example, by restarting on the working version I tried this way but get back NullPointerException on the
float dr = boules[i].r; 

it seems that processing don't like boule[i]."some variable", but I don't know why.

here is it :
Boule[] boules;

float gravite;

void setup() {
boules = new Boule[2];

for(int i=0; i<boules.length; i++){
float dr = boules[i].r;
float dx = boules[i].x;
float dy = boules[i].y;
float dm = boules[i].m;

boules[0].r = 10;
boules[0].x = 100;
boules[0].y = 10;
boules[0].m = 3;

boules[1].r = 25;
boules[1].x = 250;
boules[1].y = 300;
boules[1].m = 3;

boules[i] = new Boule(dr,dx,dy,dm,i);

gravite = .015;

void draw() {
for(int i=0; i<boules.length; i++){

Re: NullPointerException ?
Reply #7 - Dec 15th, 2008, 1:37am
I did it !!! I find out a way to do it, in fact (like I tried to do at the beginning) I created arrays also for x,r,y and m values, but now, with your advices I remade it properly ,so now it works!! (don't worry, my project is far to be finished so I think that in several days I'll comeback with a new problem XD) So Thanks a lot everyone Cheesy !

here is it :


Boule[] boules;

float[] x = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
float[] y = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
float[] r = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
float[] m = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};

float gravite;

void setup() {
 boules = new Boule[2];
 r[0] = 10;
 x[0] = 100;
 y[0] = 10;
 m[0] = 3;
 r[1] = 25;
 x[1] = 250;
 y[1] = 300;
 m[1] = 3;
  for(int i=0; i<boules.length; i++){
    float dr = r[i];
    float dx = x[i];
    float dy = y[i];
    float dm = m[i];
    boules[i] = new Boule(dr,dx,dy,dm,i);


 gravite = .015;

void draw() {
 for(int i=0; i<boules.length; i++){

just a last question about this , is there a way to not write {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0....} to initialize values?
Re: NullPointerException ?
Reply #8 - Dec 15th, 2008, 1:50pm
Ah, I was about to advise not to init your arrays this way, before seeing your question... :-D

Simple way: float[] x = new float[20]; // Adjust value, of course
By default, arrays of primitive values (int, long, float, double, boolean, char...) are initialized to 0 (false for booleans).

And to answer the second question: a NPE (NullPointerException) happens frequently. Particularly when you use a method or access a field of an object which hold a null value (ie. isn't set):
foo.x or foo.getX() will throw such exception because foo is null, and thus you cannot access anything in it.
Re: NullPointerException ?
Reply #9 - Dec 16th, 2008, 12:37am
ok thanks for that Smiley !
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