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how to link class to variables textbox?
Dec 9th , 2008, 1:37pm
I would like to display the text that i've made on the following sentence _TextBoxes[0] = new TextBox("Test", 200, 200); // First textbox placed on X,Y(200,200) with the text "Test" in the class textbox into void display. How can I do this? Thank you for helping! ------------------------------------------------------------ Screen screen1, screen2; Image[] _Images; ImageButton[] _ImageButtons; TextBox[] _TextBoxes; TextBoxButton[] _TextBoxButtons; String _Sound; Screen current_screen; void setup() { size(800,600); smooth(); background(255); /* ------------------------------Edit from here---------------------*/ // Images for screen 1 _Images = new Image[2]; // 2: How many Images are used in this screen _Images[0] = new Image("image1.jpg", 0, 0); // First image for screen 1 is image1.jpg placed on 0 pixels X and 0 pixels Y _Images[1] = new Image("image2.jpg", 100, 100); // ImageButtons for screen 1 _ImageButtons = new ImageButton[1]; // 1: How many ImageButtons are used in this screen _ImageButtons[0] = new ImageButton("image1.jpg", 0, 0, screen2); // First image links to screen 2 (doesn't work YET) // Textboxes for screen 1 _TextBoxes = new TextBox[1]; _TextBoxes[0] = new TextBox("Test", 200, 200); // First textbox placed on X,Y(200,200) with the text "Test" // TextboxButtons for screen 1 _TextBoxButtons = new TextBoxButton[1]; _TextBoxButtons[0] = new TextBoxButton("TestLink", 300, 300, screen2); // Set sound for screen 1 _Sound = "sound.mp3"; // Finally Set Screen 1 screen1 = new Screen(_Images, _ImageButtons, _TextBoxes, _TextBoxButtons, _Sound); /* ----------------------------Do not edit from here--------------*/ current_screen = screen1; } void draw() { DisplayScreen(); } class Screen { Image[] Images; Screen(Image[] _Images, ImageButton[] _ImageButtons, TextBox[] _TextBoxes, TextBoxButton[] _TextBoxButtons, String _Sound) { Images = _Images; } void set() { } void display() { for(int i=0; i < Images.length; i++){ Images[i].display(); } } } class Image { int x, y; String file; Image(String ifile, int ix, int iy) { x = ix; y = iy; file = ifile; } void display() { PImage loadimage = loadImage("Images/" + file); image(loadimage, x, y); } } class ImageButton { int x, y; String file; Screen screen; ImageButton(String _file, int _x, int _y, Screen _screen) { x = _x; y = _y; file = _file; screen = _screen; } void display() { PImage loadimage = loadImage("Images/" + file); image(loadimage, x, y); } // void to link Button to Screen } class TextBox { int x, y; String text; TextBox(String _text, int _x, int _y) { x = _x; y = _y; text = _text; } void display() { // code to display textbox } } class TextBoxButton { int x, y; String text; Screen screen; TextBoxButton(String _text, int _x, int _y, Screen _screen) { x = _x; y = _y; text = _text; screen = _screen; } void display() { // code to display textbox } // void to link Button to Screen } void DisplayScreen(){ current_screen.display(); } -----------------------------------------------------------