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Arraylist problem (Read 450 times)
Arraylist problem
Dec 9th, 2008, 2:05am
I have been working on a program which creates a visualization of Wikipedia. An older version is at http://wikiweb.anthonymattox.com/

I rescripted some of the program using arraylists rather than arrays to add some functionality but am having a very strange problem.

everything works fine except in my function to remove points. There are two arraylists, one one for pages and one for links. When a page is deleted so must all the links connected to it. All that works but I also need a variable within each page a link is removed from to decrease by one. That variable is c.

also if I put a print function within the conditional not working it doesn't work either but the line to remove the link does work.

I know this is vague and out of context but I've been wasting too much time on this and I have no idea what's wrong. If anyone has any idea some help would be great.

here's the function

void kill(int n) {
 Page pi=(Page) Pages.get(n);
 DPages.add(new DPage(new PVector(pi.x,pi.y), int(sqrt(pi.c))+6));
 for (int j=Links.size()-1; j>=0;j--) {
   Link l=(Link) Links.get(j);
   if (l.pa==n) {
     Page pc=(Page) Pages.get(l.pb);  //this line and the next don't work
     Links.remove(j);       //but this line does
   else if (l.pb==n){
     Page pc=(Page) Pages.get(l.pa);  //these as well
   if (l.pa>=n) {
   if (l.pb>=n) {
Re: Arraylist problem
Reply #1 - Dec 9th, 2008, 3:15am
Nice page.

I see several problems here.  

But first, the bug.  I believe you are getting the error because you are modifying the list by removing Page pi:


which essentially changes the index numbers.  So if the page that it linked to has larger index number, the side-effect of that removal is that the index number is no longer relevant in the method's context for the pages with index number *higher* than n.  So defer that until after you decrement the link number of connected pages. Please try the bugfix and tell me if it works.

Second, I highly recommend using object-oriented approach to handling this data.  The problem arose because the Pages and Links are referred to using a common index number.  By using an iterator (this is included in ArrayList), you no longer need to juggle index numbers.   Iterator is extremely handy in case like your project.  

Lastly, the code can also benefit from encapsulation of connection numbers. I.e., instead of using c as a link counter, you can use:

class Page {
ArrayList links = ...

int getC(){
return links.size();

int removeLink(Link link){


above may be a cleaner approach.  It may even be better if you can have static links list in Link class, but you can't do that due to a slight quirk in Processing environment (you can't declare a static member in an inner class, I think that was the reason).

Please give it a shot!

P.S. As a side note, I recommend using the java naming conventions to help others read the code.  For example, Links should be "links", as it refers to an ArrayList instance instead of a class.

=======modified code==============

void kill(int n) {
 /* grab the page to be killed */
 Page pi=(Page) Pages.get(n);
 DPages.add(new DPage(new PVector(pi.x,pi.y), int(sqrt(pi.c))+6));
 //Pages.remove(n); // defer to end
 /* scan through links */
 for (int j=Links.size()-1; j>=0;j--) {
   /* grab link */
   Link l=(Link) Links.get(j);
   /* for the link */
   if (l.pa==n) {
     Page pc=(Page) Pages.get(l.pb);  //this line and the next don't work
      Links.remove(j);  //but this line does
   } else if (l.pb==n){
     Page pc=(Page) Pages.get(l.pa);  //these as well
   if (l.pa>=n) {
   if (l.pb>=n) {
 Pages.remove(n); //<<<<< remove it here instead (sw01)
Re: Arraylist problem
Reply #2 - Dec 9th, 2008, 3:38am
Thanks for your quick response. I understand what you are saying, Unfortunately it still isn't working.

Running the program does not give me an error. The pages and links are removed as they should be, but the value 'c' is not modified.

I don't quite understand your next comment. The only index numbers I needed to modify were the numbers of the two pages each link connects to and that part of the script is working fine. Could you explain the iterator in more detail?
Re: Arraylist problem
Reply #3 - Dec 9th, 2008, 4:22am
I see (no pun intended).

I'm a bit confused about here, so let me see what I see in code is correct:

you said:

   Page pc=(Page) Pages.get(l.pb);  //this line and the next don't work


so, the code are saying that:

   pages is an arraylist:

   pages = [ .  .   .   .  .   .  pi .   .    .   .  .]

Page pi = pages.get(n); // this needs to be removed

You use the variable pi to do some kind of routine:
   DPages.add(new DPage(new PVector(pi.x,pi.y), int(sqrt(pi.c))+6));

Links is an arraylist:

for any given link:

Link l

is like:

pa <---- l  -----> pb

where pa and pb are NOT REALLY a page, but index number

if you do this:


you are changing the index number in which the subsequent statement:

Page pc=(Page) Pages.get(l.pb);

works on.  l.pb may or may not be a correct index, depending on whether pb > n.  (btw, maybe the code should say pbIdx instead of pb.

This causes all types of trouble, because you are referring to a number that may or may not point to the correct object in the ArrayList.

so instead of:
   class Link {
       int pa, pb;

I recommend using
class Link {
   Page pa, pb;

That's more oo.  

I can get into how to use an iterator, but I feel that it may not be appropriate in this forum since it's more to do with general programming than Processing.  But please check the pseudocode at the bottom of this reply for an idea of how simple the code becomes by using some of the oo approaches.

Anyway, back to the original problem: how do you know that the value c is not modified?

maybe you can try

println("#before##" + pc.c);
println("#after##" + pc.c);

I bet it decreases.  Again please tell me why you think it's not decreasing.


void kill(Page pi){
 Dpages.add(new DPage(new PVector(pi.x,pi.y), int(sqrt(pi.getLinkCount()))+6));

 Iterator ite = Links.iterator();
   Link lnk = (Link)ite.next();
   if(lnk.pa == pi){ // <-- note that it is comparing object("address"), and not integer.
   }else if(lnk.pb == pi){

class Page{
 ArrayList links = new ArrayList();
 int getLinkCount(){
   return links.size();
 void removeLink(Link lnk){

class Link{
 Page pa, pb;

Re: Arraylist problem
Reply #4 - Dec 9th, 2008, 5:15pm
I know that 'c' isn't decreasing because i added a function within my page object to print c on hover so i can see that value for any page while the program is running.

I see what your saying about using index numbers. I corrected that just by saying if the index number is greater than that of the page to be removed, lower it by one

   if (l.pa>=n) {
   if (l.pb>=n) {

and that part of the script seems to be working fine. i don't see any reason why that should effect the code to change the c value which comes before it and before the page is even removed.

i'm just horribly confused because in this code

   if (l.pa==n) {
     Page pc=(Page) Pages.get(l.pb);

the third line in the conditional is executing fine. c is not changing and even if i put something ridiculous in Pages.get() it doesn't give me an error as i would expect it to. And if i add a println() function in the conditional that never runs either.

it should be saying, if the first page of the link is being deleted, the second page's c value needs to be changed. and a second conditional does the opposite.
Re: Arraylist problem
Reply #5 - Dec 9th, 2008, 6:49pm
Wait, in which order did you execute these two procedures?

I believe I understand why you did what you did. I think the code changed two things at once, and they are related - it only exacerbates the indexing problem!

This code:

   if (l.pa>=n) {
   if (l.pb>=n) {

should be used only if the pa's index actually changes.  If this was used before

   if (l.pa==n) {
Page pc=(Page) Pages.get(l.pb);

, this will not correctly decrement the c value in the correct page.

This is because you've already shifted the index, so l.pa in the second code chunk (determined by l.pa = n) will not be correct ( because you've used (l.pa>=n) for index shift). That is because the first code chunk changed the definition of n in relation to the array.

Have you tried my suggestion to see if the pc.c is decremented during the procedure?  The suggestion and the method you use are not the same:  If you decrement the c value in the wrong page, you will not see the effect on the "page" node that the user is hovering over.
Re: Arraylist problem
Reply #6 - Dec 9th, 2008, 7:25pm
i really appreciate all your help, but i think i've tried everything already and it's just not working. perhaps you could give some explanation for this.

i have these two conditionals

   if (l.pa==n) {
     Page pc=(Page) Pages.get(l.pb);
   else if (l.pb==n){
     Page pc=(Page) Pages.get(l.pa);

these are the only two places where there is any command to remove a link. On each iteration of the draw function i have a function to print both how many links and how many pages. so i know one of those two remove link lines is working. however "link-deleted" is never printing.
Re: Arraylist problem
Reply #7 - Dec 9th, 2008, 8:49pm
I totally understand your frustration on this matter.

I'm sorry if the explanation was confusing, but I really can't diagnose the bug without your  feedback specifically on the checks that I asked for - when you said you've tried everything, what do you mean by that?  Have you tried all of my suggestions?

I'm pretty much working in the dark here without your specific answer to my questions, and my effort here reduced to second guessing the results of these tests.  (It's probably faster for me to read the entire code by this time Smiley )

That said, I am guessing that your c value did not really decrement, because your "link-deleted" statement did not run at any point even if the link was removed. So,


NEVER executed at any time (I am assuming that you did not do error catching here).

So I have a question here:

"On each iteration of the draw function i have a function to print both how many links and how many pages."

How did you implement the check function?

Please, please, please answer my questions instead of changing the topic!  I know this is your program and you know more about it than anyone else, but very often that familiarity prevents effective proofreading of the code.

Re: Arraylist problem
Reply #8 - Dec 9th, 2008, 9:09pm
the full script is here http://www.anthonymattox.com/file/wikiweb/wikiwebv2_all.pde

i used this line

 println("links: "+Links.size()+"   pages: "+Pages.size()  );

to check how many links and pages exist.
Re: Arraylist problem
Reply #9 - Dec 9th, 2008, 9:34pm
Simple Smiley

Ok, here's what's going on:

In the main draw(),

 for(int i=Links.size()-1; i>=0;i--) {
   Link l=(Link) Links.get(i);
   if (l.dead) {
     Links.remove(i);  <=================HERE
   else {

You are removing the link before you process it in kill.

Just comment out that Links.remove(i); line above and your program will be in good shape.

Please give the object-oriented approach a try (see the example in the previous post).  It'll make the code a lot easier to understand!

Re: Arraylist problem
Reply #10 - Dec 9th, 2008, 9:48pm

thank you so much. you were right i'd been staring at it so long i completely overlooked that.

i figured i'd feed dumb by the end of this.

i've got a couple of other things i need to work on but i'll try making the links oo as soon as i get a chance.

thanks again for your help
Re: Arraylist problem
Reply #11 - Dec 9th, 2008, 9:56pm
No problem. Everybody goes blind if they stare into the terminal screen too long Wink
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