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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpSyntax Questions › Camera movement Help
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Camera movement Help (Read 233 times)
Camera movement Help
Dec 3rd, 2008, 4:31pm
Hi, I have this code for processing where I am trying to create a 3D visualizer for music. I have a standard wave bars going with a cube rotating.

I want to know how would I be able to do a camera movement where I can circle around the wavebars and cube. Anyone know how I can do this?

Here is my code:

import ddf.minim.*;

Minim minim;
AudioPlayer groove;
WaveformRenderer waveform;

void setup()
 size(512, 400, P3D);

 minim = new Minim(this);
 groove = minim.loadFile("John_Legend.mp3", 2048);
 waveform = new WaveformRenderer();
 // see the example Recordable >> addListener for more about this


void draw()
 // see waveform.pde for an explanation of how this works
 // Change height of the camera with mouseY

 translate(width / 2, height / 2);
 // Orange point light on the right
 pointLight(150, 100, 0, // Color
            200, -150, 0); // Position

 // Blue directional light from the left
 directionalLight(0, 102, 255, // Color
                  1, 0, 0); // The x-, y-, z-axis direction

 // Yellow spotlight from the front
 spotLight(255, 255, 109, // Color
           0, 40, 300, // Position
           0, -0.5, -0.5, // Direction
           PI / 2, 2); // Angle, concentration
 rotateX(map(100, 0, height, 0, PI));


void stop()
 // always close Minim audio classes when you are done with them
 // always stop Minim before exiting.

class WaveformRenderer implements AudioListener
 private float[] left;
 private float[] right;
   left = null;
   right = null;
 synchronized void samples(float[] samp)
   left = samp;
 synchronized void samples(float[] sampL, float[] sampR)
   left = sampL;
   right = sampR;
 synchronized void draw()
   // we've got a stereo signal if right is not null
   if ( left != null && right != null )
     for ( int i = 0; i < left.length; i++ )
       vertex(i, height/2 + left[i]*50);
     for ( int i = 0; i < left.length; i++ )
       vertex(i, height/3.25 + left[i]*50);
     for ( int i = 0; i < right.length; i++ )
       vertex(i, 3*(height/4) + right[i]*50);
   else if ( left != null )

Re: Camera movement Help
Reply #1 - Dec 3rd, 2008, 6:08pm
I reckon you want to use the OCD camera library:


Circling is then one simple command.
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