Hey Guys,
This post has got me almost as far as I need to go in order to explore the FlickrJ java implimentation of the Flickr API. I have a couple of questions if some can help me the last bit.
I too, was using the authentication example provided in the flickrapi-1.2.zip to get me starting in the Eclipse Development environment.
Code:System.out.println("frob: " + frob);
URL url = authInterface.buildAuthenticationUrl(Permission.DELETE, frob);
System.out.println("Press return after you granted access at this URL:");
My question is - after I get to this point in the code - I enter the URL as PDA described into a browser window and it does take me to a Flickr page where I am asked as my logged in user (tim bright) to authorize the application to use my account. I believe this is required in order to get the token.
But here is where I am unclear - If I click yes authorize the Flickr website takes me to the webpage registered in my registered app. The so called
Callback URL- I just put a filler site, my own website homepage in their when I was registoring my app.
When I click authorize I see that the site attempts to go that page - (as it is in the url among other information) - but obviously becuase that particularly webpage isn't set up to receive my frob, api, secret word and whatever else, it also isn't set up to return the token.
So my question is, I guess. Do I need to build a web page, (in php I suppose) to handle that data and in fact return a token, or is there a simplier way.
It seems that this is perhaps what kleinejan did, but I couldn't access the PHP link on his/her code.
As you can probably tell - I'm a relatively modest programmer. I haven't even considered the Processing side of the equation yet, but I figure that is relatively straight forward when I have my access sorted out.
Many thanks for your help in advance.