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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpSyntax Questions › void mousepressed()
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void mousepressed() (Read 464 times)
void mousepressed()
Nov 30th, 2008, 12:45pm
does any1 know how i can stop the rain by using a mousepressed function. the one i have done below doesnt seem to work. any suggestions????????

int numRains=100;

Rain [] rn = new Rain [numRains]; //arrange an array of droplets
void setup ()
 size (600,600);
 smooth ();
 noStroke ();
   for (int i=0; i<rn.length; i++)   {
   rn [i]= new Rain (random(width),10,random(width/200),random(1,width/40));
void draw ()
 fill (0,15);
 for (int i=0; i<rn.length; i++){
   fill (255);
   rn[i].move ();
   rn[i].display ();
class Rain
 float x,y;
 float diameter;
 float speed;
 int direction=1;  

 Rain (float xpos, float ypos, float dia, float sp)

 void move () {

   y +=(speed * direction);
   if ((y>(height-diameter/2)) || (y<diameter/2)){
//this is good but only when the mouse is held down!
     if (mousePressed){

 void display() // draws the spot to the display
   for (int i=0; i<15; i++){
     translate (x,y+(i*2.5));  
     ellipse (0,0,diameter,diameter);
//this is the bit that doesnt work!
 void mousePressed(){
   y +=(speed * direction);

   if ((y>(height-diameter/2)) || (y<diameter/2)){

Re: void mousepressed()
Reply #1 - Nov 30th, 2008, 3:06pm
void draw() {  
 if (IS_RUNNING) {
   ....do something....

void mouspressed() {
IS_RUNNING = false;
Re: void mousepressed()
Reply #2 - Nov 30th, 2008, 3:25pm
thankyou however this process stops the rain entirely, i was hoping to be able to achieve a gradual stop as is possible by using
if (mousePressed){
the problem is that you have to hold the mouse for this to work so is it possible to use this somehow in a mousepressed function?
Re: void mousepressed()
Reply #3 - Nov 30th, 2008, 7:04pm
try something like that

draw() {
 theValue *= 0.95

void mousepressed() {
theValue = 10;
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