YaBB Newbies
Posts: 13
Re: Radial alpha gradient?
Reply #6 - Jan 27th , 2009, 10:32pm
The code is part of a really large project and it would take to long to make it work by itself. So I quickly wrote this, which works on the same principle. Only it doesn't float around, but to test that you can play around with the positioning. int xstart = 60; int ystart = 60;// x and y coordinates from where to start drawing. Play around with the positioning. int xlength = 50; int ylength = 50; void setup() { size(400,400); smooth(); background(24,46,131); noStroke(); } void draw (){ int xline = xlength - 20; int yline = ylength - 20; beginShape(); vertex(xstart, ystart); bezierVertex(xstart, ystart, xstart, ystart, xstart, ystart); bezierVertex((xstart + 3), (ystart + 3), (xstart + xline + 3), (ystart + 3), (xstart + xline), ystart); bezierVertex((xstart + xline + 10), (ystart - 5 ), (xstart + xline + 25), (ystart + 10), (xstart + xline + 20), (ystart + yline -10)); bezierVertex((xstart + xline + 17), (ystart + yline - 7), (xstart + xline + 17), (ystart + yline + 17), (xstart + xline + 20), (ystart + yline + 20)); bezierVertex((xstart + xline + 25), (ystart + yline + 30), (xstart + xline + 10), (ystart + yline + 45), (xstart + xline), (ystart + yline + 40)); bezierVertex((xstart + xline - 3), (ystart + yline + 37), (xstart - 3), (ystart + yline + 37), xstart, (ystart + yline + 40)); bezierVertex((xstart - 10), (ystart + yline + 45), (xstart - 25), (ystart + yline + 30), (xstart - 20), (ystart + yline + 20)); bezierVertex((xstart - 17), (ystart + yline + 23), (xstart - 17), (ystart + yline - 7), (xstart - 20), (ystart + yline - 10)); bezierVertex((xstart - 25), (ystart + yline - 20), (xstart - 10), (ystart - 5), xstart, ystart); endShape(); }