YaBB Newbies
Posts: 1
Rolodex effect
Nov 3rd , 2008, 9:56am
Hi guys, I am an novice of processing. Currently I am doing a rolodex effect for photo display, but the result is still far from what I want. I have succeeded in applying several photos on a rolodex mechnanism but I dont know how to make each photo stay in their order when rotating. As you can see the code below, when you rotate the mouse middle button, some photos will start to run before others. All I want is 1.simulating the page flipping in the rolodex to see each photo clearly when I rotate the rolodex slowly 2.simulating the "flipbook effect" of photos on the rolodex when I rotate it fast. Anyone can help me? Thanks in advance. ------------------------------------------------------------- PImage[] images4 = new PImage[29]; //mousewheel import java.awt.event.*; import processing.opengl.*; int photonum4 = 29; int K_prev = 0; int K = -90; Photoframe4[]pp = new Photoframe4[photonum4]; void setup(){ size(600, 300, P3D); frameRate(60); noStroke(); for(int i=1; i<29; i++){ images4[i] = loadImage(i+".JPG"); } textureMode(NORMALIZED); for(int i = 0; i < photonum4; i++){ pp[i] = new Photoframe4(100, 100,1); } //mousewheel addMouseWheelListener(new java.awt.event.MouseWheelListener() { void mouseWheelMoved(java.awt.event.MouseWheelEvent evt) { int notches = evt.getWheelRotation(); if(notches!=0 & mouseX > 170 & mouseX <430 & mouseY > 60& mouseY <250){ //println(notches); K+=notches*1; if ((K >-90)&&(K < 90)){ if(K > K_prev){ K+=notches*20; } else if(K < K_prev){ K+=notches*5; } K_prev = K; } println("K" + " = " + K ); } } } ); } void draw(){ background(0); duplPframe4(); } void mouseDragged(){ println("mouseY" + " = " + mouseY ); println("mouseX" + " = " + mouseX ); } void duplPframe4(){ //duplicate photos for(int i=0; i<1; i++){ pushMatrix(); translate(250, 150, 100); //translate(100, 100, -20); noStroke(); pp[i].create(); popMatrix(); } } class Photoframe4{ float w, h, d; Photoframe4(float w, float h, float d){ this.w = w; this.h = h; this.d = w; } void create(){ for( int i=0; i<28; i++){ beginShape(QUADS); texture(images4[i+1]); vertex( 0, -(h/2)*sin(radians((i/(sq(i)))*K)), (h/2)*cos(radians((i/(sq(i)))*K)), 0, 1); vertex( w, -(h/2)*sin(radians((i/(sq(i)))*K)), (h/2)*cos(radians((i/(sq(i)))*K)), 1, 1); vertex( w, 0, 0, 1, 0); vertex( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); endShape(); beginShape(QUADS); texture(images4[i+1]); vertex( 0, -(h/2)*sin(radians((i/(sq(i)))*K)), (h/2)*cos(radians((i/(sq(i)))*K)), 0, 0); vertex( w, -(h/2)*sin(radians((i/(sq(i)))*K)), (h/2)*cos(radians((i/(sq(i)))*K)), 1, 0); vertex( w, 0, 0, 1, 1); vertex( 0, 0, 0, 0, 1); endShape(); } } }