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"Processing" - Silly name? (Read 1084 times)
"Processing" - Silly name?
Oct 28th, 2008, 12:42pm
is it just me, or is 'Processing' a stupid name for a language? Whenever I try to search on the net for Processing code I find all kinds of other pages that have nothing to do with Processing the language.

For example, have you ever tried searching for Processing code related to Astronomy? The word 'Processing' is heavily used in astronomy and astrophotography so it is a nightmare sorting the wheat from the chaff.

I am aware it used to be called Proce55ing, which is a unique word and if searched for in  Google for example would defiantely only bring up pages related to the language so why is it not still called that?
Re: "Processing" - Silly name?
Reply #1 - Oct 28th, 2008, 3:17pm
Try searching for
Re: "Processing" - Silly name?
Reply #2 - Oct 28th, 2008, 4:35pm
Not much better to be honest. Too many pages that list processing.org and astronomy but are not mutually linked.
Re: "Processing" - Silly name?
Reply #3 - Oct 28th, 2008, 7:07pm
When I enter "processing" in google, 1st 5 entries are indeed related to "our" processing. If memory serves me correctly there was another obscure language developed some time ago that was also "foolishly" named–but by a single letter near the beginning of the alphabet.
Re: "Processing" - Silly name?
Reply #4 - Oct 28th, 2008, 8:03pm
what's done is done; the name of the project will not be changed. it's neither a "stupid" nor "silly" name, but it could have been better selected. thanks to memo and irag for helpful suggestions.
Re: "Processing" - Silly name?
Reply #5 - Oct 29th, 2008, 9:34am
Don't get me wrong here - I absolutely love Processing. I am a huge fan. It's just I find searching for code examples on the net a real pain cos of the name that's all. Thanks for the replies guys.
Re: "Processing" - Silly name?
Reply #6 - Oct 29th, 2008, 7:43pm
I find it amusing that people are faulting the name choice and not Google here.  If you're having trouble finding what you want using the search engine, shouldn't that be a complaint directed at Google?

I, for one, would love to see better support for "context sensitive" searches in Google.  For example, what we really want is a search for "Processing" among "art and design" or "programming" web sites.  This can be done manually, but Google could make this far more intuitive.
Re: "Processing" - Silly name?
Reply #7 - Oct 30th, 2008, 5:29pm

… and there's filetype specific search as well.

i think "Processing" is a good name for the project (i refuse to call it a language). if you ever get to teach people the concepts of computer languages you'll know why. and i'm happy the hackerish "Proce55ing" is gone.

Re: "Processing" - Silly name?
Reply #8 - Oct 30th, 2008, 6:54pm
Nice "filetype" trick!  Thanks.

For those who don't read German very well, try this:


Re: "Processing" - Silly name?
Reply #9 - Oct 30th, 2008, 7:14pm
right, sorry about the ".de" .. seemed to have defaulted to that.
Re: "Processing" - Silly name?
Reply #10 - Nov 1st, 2008, 1:13pm
Regarding mhuyck's comment about more intuitive context sensitive searching - Clusty does fairly well in this regard :


If you try searching for just 'processing', it then offers you a choice of 'clusters' of results, so you can choose to see just pages about this project and not say, credit card processing. I think it basically just automates what you can do manually in google. Its not perfect but it helps.

I agree we could all do with better search engines, and no doubt google are working on it too. Maybe thats why Ben and Casey did it - just to keep them on their toes ;)
Re: "Processing" - Silly name?
Reply #11 - Nov 4th, 2008, 4:48am
I think the name is awesome, although, yeah, it can be hard on Google. I have found, however, that a lot of people seem to refer to it as "proce55ing" (figure fives rather than esses), which turns up lots of results.
Re: "Processing" - Silly name?
Reply #12 - Nov 5th, 2008, 10:53pm
it's not just searching that's a problem with the name but the amount of people who add randomly processed photos to the processing flickr pool (tends to be people with english as a foreign language, i've noticed). i've started leaving comments pointing out that they've posted them to an inappropriate group but i hate doing it and can't phrase it in a way that doesn't sound rude.

still, at least it's better than the garbage that gets erroneously posted to the Generative And Evolutionary Art pool. (RR, ZP, i'm looking at you and your Bryced nonsense)
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