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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpPrograms › What is wrong with my code please
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What is wrong with my code please? (Read 1132 times)
What is wrong with my code please?
Oct 27th, 2008, 10:35pm
Please can someone take a look at this program and tell me why I get errors all the time......

import processing.serial.*;

int linefeed = 10;
Serial myPort;
float[][] lastTemp = new float[5][180];
int counter = 0;
boolean firstTime = true;
int MinVal, MaxVal;
float diff = 0, TempDiff = 0;;
float sensor1, sensor2;
int boxHeight = 200; // set the height of the graph box in case we want to change it later
PrintWriter output;

void setup()
    int s = second();  // Values from 0 - 59
    int m = minute();  // Values from 0 - 59
    int h = hour();    // Values from 0 - 23
    int d = day();    // Values from 1 - 31
    int mo = month();  // Values from 1 - 12
    int y = year();   // 2003, 2004, 2005, etc.
 output = createWriter(str(y) + str(mo) + str(d) + str(h) + str(m) + str(s) + "Temperature_Log.txt");
 size(650,450); // Set the window size
 background(50, 50, 50); // make it grey
 myPort = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[0], 9600);
 //read bytes until you get a linefeed

void draw()

// serialEvent is run automatically whenever the buffer reaches byte value
// set in the bufferUntil() method

void serialEvent(Serial myPort)
// read the serial buffer
 String myString=myPort.readStringUntil(linefeed);
 print ("String-" + myString);

 // if you get any bytes other than linefeed:
 if (myString != null)
   myString = trim(myString);    // split the string at the commas and conver sections into integers
   float sensors[] = float(split(myString, ','));
    sensor1 = sensors[0];
    sensor2 = sensors[1];
    int s = second();  // Values from 0 - 59
    int m = minute();  // Values from 0 - 59
    int h = hour();    // Values from 0 - 23
    int d = day();    // Values from 1 - 31
    int mo = month();  // Values from 1 - 12
    int y = year();   // 2003, 2004, 2005, etc.
    TempDiff = truncate(sensor2-sensor1);
    if (TempDiff<0) {TempDiff=0;}
    if (TempDiff>1) {TempDiff = 1;}

    output.println(y + "/" + mo + "/" + d + "  " + h + ":" + m + ":" + s + "   " + sensor1 + "   " + sensor2 + "   " + TempDiff );
   if (firstTime)
     firstTime = false;
   for (int sensorNum = 0; sensorNum < 4; sensorNum++)     //put values into array
      lastTemp[sensorNum][counter] = sensors[sensorNum];
   lastTemp[4][counter] = TempDiff;
   MinVal = 999; // Reset the values
   MaxVal = -999;
   for (int i=0; i <180; i++)     // Find the max and min values from the current array
     for (int j=0; j<2; j++)
       if (counter == 180)
        counter = 0;
    fill(255, 255, 255);
    PFont font;
    font = loadFont("ArialMT-16.vlw");
    textFont(font, 12);
    String hFill = "";
    if (m<10) {hFill = "0";}
    println (m + "hFill = " + hFill);
    text (y + "/" + mo + "/" + d + "    " + h + ":" + hFill + m, 300, 15);

void drawGraph()
   smooth(); // Set antialising on
   background (50, 50, 50);  // Clear screen
     float ix = 0;
     for (int j=0; j<=boxHeight; j++) {
       stroke (int (ix), int (ix), int (ix)  );
          line(48, j+50,588, j+50);
           ix=ix + (256/boxHeight);    
   PFont font;
 // The font must be located in the sketch's
 // "data" directory to load successfully
 font = loadFont("ArialMT-16.vlw");

  // draw the tenth's of degrees lines
  stroke(0, 0, 40);
  for (float i=0; i<boxHeight; i=i+((boxHeight/diff)/10) )
    line(48, i+50, 588, i+50);
  int tempMax = MaxVal;
Re: What is wrong... ?
Reply #1 - Oct 27th, 2008, 10:36pm
Part 2.........


// Draw the degree lines

line(228, 53, 228, boxHeight+50);
line(408, 53, 408, boxHeight+50);

for (float i=0; i<=boxHeight; i=i+(boxHeight/diff) )
stroke(0, 0, 80);
line(48, i+50, 588, i+50);
fill (255, 255, 255);
textFont(font, 11);
text (tempMax + "°C", 595, i+55);
text("Clear", 12,60);
text("Cloudy", 12, boxHeight+50);

textFont(font, 16);
fill(255, 255, 255);
text ("Nighttime Cloud Sensor Location: Orpington, England", 48, 40);
textFont(font, 14);
fill(200, 0, 0);
text ("Ground Sensor = " + sensor2 + "°C", 48, boxHeight+65);
fill(0, 0, 200);
text ("Sky Sensor = " + sensor1 + "°C", 220, boxHeight+65);
fill(0, 200, 0);
text ("Clear/Cloudy", 400, boxHeight+65);
textFont(font, 12);
text("Cloudy", 48, boxHeight+105);
text("Clear", 540, boxHeight+105);

// Draw the trace for the 2 external temp sensors
for (int sensorNum = 0; sensorNum < 2; sensorNum++)

int arrayPointer = counter+1;

for (int graphX = 180; graphX >=0; graphX--)
if (arrayPointer == 180)
arrayPointer = 0;

switch (sensorNum)
case 0:
stroke(0, 0, 255);
case 1:
stroke(255, 0, 0, 190);

float sensorPoint = (boxHeight/(diff/(lastTemp[sensorNum][arrayPointer]-MinVal)));

curveVertex(588 - (graphX * 3), (boxHeight+50)-sensorPoint);



// Draw the trace for the clear/cloudy line

int arrayPointer = counter+1;

stroke (0, 200, 0, 150);
for (int graphX = 180; graphX >=0; graphX--)
if (arrayPointer == 180)
arrayPointer = 0;

float sensorPoint = (boxHeight*lastTemp[4][arrayPointer]);

curveVertex(588 - (graphX * 3), (boxHeight-((lastTemp[4][arrayPointer]*(boxHeight)-48))));




void initialiseArray(float value)
for (int j=0; j <4; j++)
for (int i=0; i < 180; i++)
lastTemp[j][i] = value;

// Function for working out the max and min temperatures in the array
void findMinMax(float Temp)
if (Temp > MaxVal) {MaxVal = ceil(Temp);}
if (Temp < MinVal) {MinVal = floor(Temp);}
diff = truncate(MaxVal - MinVal);

float truncate(float x){
if ( x > 0 )
return float(floor(x * 100))/100;
return float(ceil(x * 100))/100;

void drawIndicator() {
float i = 255;
for (int j=48; j<=588; j++) {
stroke (int (i), int (i), int (i) );

line(j, boxHeight+80, j, boxHeight+90);
i=i - 0.45;

stroke (255,255,0);
int TempPos = int(48+(TempDiff*(540/10)));
print (TempDiff + " +);
triangle(TempPos, boxHeight+75, TempPos-2, boxHeight+72, TempPos+2, boxHeight+72);

Re: What is wrong with my code please?
Reply #2 - Oct 28th, 2008, 10:18pm
Without the appropriate hardware, it might be hard to test this code...
And I don't feel like analyzing this long code searching for errors.
If you indicated which kind of errors you get (syntax? runtime? wrong results?), it might help.
Re: What is wrong with my code please?
Reply #3 - Nov 1st, 2008, 12:09pm
It is designed to read serial data over the USB port from an Arduino connected to 3 temperature sensors.

The errors I get are :-

Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
at antlr.ANTLRStringBuffer.append(ANTLRStringBuffer.java:36)
at antlr.CharScanner.append(CharScanner.java:64)
at antlr.CharScanner.consume(CharScanner.java:82)
at antlr.CharScanner.match(CharScanner.java:205)
at processing.app.preproc.PdeLexer.mSTRING_LITERAL(PdeLexer.java:1376)
at processing.app.preproc.PdeLexer.nextToken(PdeLexer.java:198)
at antlr.TokenStreamHiddenTokenFilter.consume(TokenStreamHiddenTokenFilter.java:38)
at antlr.TokenStreamCopyingHiddenTokenFilter.nextToken(TokenStreamCopyingHiddenTokenFilter.java:209)
at antlr.TokenBuffer.fill(TokenBuffer.java:69)
at antlr.TokenBuffer.LA(TokenBuffer.java:80)
at antlr.LLkParser.LA(LLkParser.java:52)
at processing.app.preproc.PdeRecognizer.unaryExpressionNotPlusMinus(PdeRecognizer.java:3726)
at processing.app.preproc.PdeRecognizer.unaryExpression(PdeRecognizer.java:3637)
at processing.app.preproc.PdeRecognizer.multiplicativeExpression(PdeRecognizer.java:3545)
at processing.app.preproc.PdeRecognizer.additiveExpression(PdeRecognizer.java:3502)
at processing.app.preproc.PdeRecognizer.shiftExpression(PdeRecognizer.java:3453)
at processing.app.preproc.PdeRecognizer.relationalExpression(PdeRecognizer.java:3382)
at processing.app.preproc.PdeRecognizer.equalityExpression(PdeRecognizer.java:3339)
at processing.app.preproc.PdeRecognizer.andExpression(PdeRecognizer.java:3310)
at processing.app.preproc.PdeRecognizer.exclusiveOrExpression(PdeRecognizer.java:3281)
at processing.app.preproc.PdeRecognizer.inclusiveOrExpression(PdeRecognizer.java:3252)
at processing.app.preproc.PdeRecognizer.logicalAndExpression(PdeRecognizer.java:3223)
at processing.app.preproc.PdeRecognizer.logicalOrExpression(PdeRecognizer.java:3194)
at processing.app.preproc.PdeRecognizer.conditionalExpression(PdeRecognizer.java:3163)
at processing.app.preproc.PdeRecognizer.assignmentExpression(PdeRecognizer.java:1250)
at processing.app.preproc.PdeRecognizer.expression(PdeRecognizer.java:854)
at processing.app.preproc.PdeRecognizer.expressionList(PdeRecognizer.java:3093)
at processing.app.preproc.PdeRecognizer.argList(PdeRecognizer.java:933)
at processing.app.preproc.PdeRecognizer.identPrimary(PdeRecognizer.java:1149)
at processing.app.preproc.PdeRecognizer.primaryExpression(PdeRecognizer.java:988)
at processing.app.preproc.PdeRecognizer.postfixExpression(PdeRecognizer.java:3762)
at processing.app.preproc.PdeRecognizer.unaryExpressionNotPlusMinus(PdeRecognizer.java:3727)
Re: What is wrong with my code please?
Reply #4 - Nov 3rd, 2008, 8:02am
Wow, you tripped the pre-preprocessor... Smiley

Anyway, I took your code and pasted in my editor. It shows unterminated strings with red background, so I spotted immediately the line

print (TempDiff + "   +);

near the bottom of your code. You should remove or finish this line to compile/run the code correctly.
Re: What is wrong with my code please?
Reply #5 - Nov 7th, 2008, 3:20pm
Thanks for that Smiley
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