I've been playing with Processing for a couple of weeks now, and I thought I may as well put some of my more interesting sketches up. You can visit the gallery at http://tinyurl.com/barryvan-processing .
Some of the highlights:
Mobile Phone Drum Machine
Using MIDI in a tracker-style vertical interface, put together a 16-row looping drum pattern on your mobile phone. (Mobile Processing)
Grass & Droplets
These two sketches were really built to get to know the Traer physics library a bit better. Grass is just that - a lot of blades of grass which move in 'wind'. Droplets is a series of water droplets which fall onto leaves, pool, and fall off again.
I do a lot of composition work as well as programming, and recently I have become interested in experimental music. This sketch illustrates this. Essentially, there are a variety of different particle types; the most basic one moves across the screen, building up energy as it goes, and, when it's got enough, releases this energy as a musical tone. The tone played depends on the particle's position on the screen. The other particle types include following particles, pulse particles, and beat particles. Two variant applets are available from the gallery website: one which is atonal, with 24 sequential twelve-tone equal temperament ntoes, and the other is mapped to an E minor pentatonic scale. Further details on the gallery page.
Playing with particles; particles are either male or female (blue or pink), and move as a swarm. Younger (smaller) particles move much more quickly. Particles have a chance of reproducing if two particles of opposite sexes meet.
Particle Swarm Optimisation
Pretty much self-explanatory, I think.

Let me know what you think of the various sketches. I'm still getting used to the Processing paradigm, but I'm thoroughly enjoying doing so.