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Video output + JMyron Input (Read 665 times)
Video output + JMyron Input
Oct 15th, 2008, 9:29am
So I'm trying to run this code that plays tiled strips of video simultaneously to create a ripple effect on digital wallpaper. My code works - but it's mind numbingly slow. Any ideas to speed it up? Do i need to step on the quality of my video?

Here's what i've been running:

//import motiontracking, video, fullscreen libraries
import JMyron.*;
import processing.video.*;
import fullscreen.*;

JMyron look;//a camera object
FullScreen fs; //fulscreen object

//variables to maintain the floating green circle
float objx = 0;
float objy = 0;
float objdestx = 0;
float objdesty = 0;

//Wallpaper Dimensions
int movieWidth=128;
int movieHeight=576;
int movieStart=105; //leaves white letterbox to maintain 16:9 ratio
int strips=8;

//Wallpaper Files
Movie movieR_A;
Movie movieR_Ba;
Movie movieR_Bb;
Movie movieR_Ca;
Movie movieR_Cb;
Movie movieL_A;
Movie movieL_Ba;
Movie movieL_Bb;
Movie movieL_Ca;
Movie movieL_Cb;
Movie movieREG;

void setup() {
 size(1024, 786); // set size to 1024X786
 frameRate(24); // 24 fps
 fs = new FullScreen(this); // Create the fullscreen object
 fs.enter(); // enter fullscreen mode
 look = new JMyron();//make a new instance of the object
 look.trackColor(255,255,255,256*3-100);//track white
 look.adapt();// immediately take a snapshot of the background for differencing
 size(1024, 786);
 movieR_A = new Movie(this, "R_A.mov");
 movieR_Ba = new Movie(this, "R_Ba.mov");
 movieR_Bb = new Movie(this, "R_Bb.mov");
 movieR_Ca = new Movie(this, "R_Ca.mov");
 movieR_Cb = new Movie(this, "R_Cb.mov");
 movieL_A  = new Movie(this, "L_A.mov");
 movieL_Ba = new Movie(this, "L_Ba.mov");
 movieL_Bb = new Movie(this, "L_Bb.mov");
 movieL_Ca = new Movie(this, "L_Ca.mov");
 movieL_Cb = new Movie(this, "L_Cb.mov");
 movieREG = new Movie(this, "REG.mov");

void draw() {
 //tiles background video strips
 for(int i=0; i<=strips; i++){
  image(movieREG, movieWidth*i,movieStart,movieWidth,movieHeight);}

 //motion tracking
 look.update();//update the camera view

 int[][] centers = look.globCenters();//get the center points
 //calculating the average.
   float avX=0;
   float avY=0;
   for(int i=0;i<centers.length;i++){
     avX += centers[i][0];
     avY += centers[i][1];

 //update the location of the thing
   objdestx = avX;
   objdesty = avY;
 objx += (objdestx-objx)/10.0f;
 objy += (objdesty-objy)/10.0f;
 //prints xy value of camera mouse
//  print("X is "+objx);
//  print(" AND ");
//  println("Y is "+objy);
 testMouse(avX, avY);


void testMouse(float avX, float avY){
 int x=(int)(avX/128);
 int x=(int)(avX/128);

void cascadeR(int num){
 image(movieR_A, movieWidth*(num),movieStart,movieWidth,movieHeight);
 image(movieR_Ba, movieWidth*(num+1),movieStart,movieWidth,movieHeight);
 image(movieR_Bb, movieWidth*(num-1),movieStart,movieWidth,movieHeight);
 image(movieR_Ca, movieWidth*(num+1),movieStart,movieWidth,movieHeight);  
 image(movieR_Cb, movieWidth*(num-1),movieStart,movieWidth,movieHeight);


/*  movieR_A.play();


void cascadeL(int num){
 image(movieL_A, movieWidth*(num),movieStart,movieWidth,movieHeight);
 image(movieL_Ba, movieWidth*(num+1),movieStart,movieWidth,movieHeight);
 image(movieL_Bb, movieWidth*(num-1),movieStart,movieWidth,movieHeight);
 image(movieL_Ca, movieWidth*(num+1),movieStart,movieWidth,movieHeight);  
 image(movieL_Cb, movieWidth*(num-1),movieStart,movieWidth,movieHeight);


/*  movieL_A.play();


// Called every time a new frame is available to read
void movieEvent(Movie m) {

public void stop(){
 look.stop();//stop the object
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