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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpPrograms › Create New Object Every Second
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Create New Object Every Second (Read 566 times)
Create New Object Every Second
Oct 2nd, 2008, 10:42pm
Hi all,

I've been playing with an example script within the proMIDI library which sends MIDI data in accordance to some bouncing balls in a square.

I'd like to modify this code so that the number of balls increases by 1 every second.

Here is the code:

import processing.opengl.*;
import promidi.*;

MidiIO midiIO;
MidiOut midiOut;
Bowl[] bowl;

void setup(){

 //get an instance of MidiIO
 midiIO = MidiIO.getInstance(this);
 //print a list with all available devices
 //open an midiout using the third device and the first channel
 midiOut = midiIO.getMidiOut(0,2);
 bowl = new Bowl[1];
 for(int i = 0;i < bowl.length;i++){
   bowl[i] = new Bowl(i);

void draw(){
 for(int i = 0;i < bowl.length;i++){


class Bowl{
 float xSpeed;
 float ySpeed;
 float xPos;
 float yPos;
 Note note;
 color col;
 int myNumber;

 Bowl(int number){
   xSpeed = random(2,20);
   ySpeed = random(2,20);
   note = new Note(0,0,0);
   col = color(
   myNumber = number;


 void move(){
   xPos += xSpeed;
   yPos += ySpeed;
     new Controller(myNumber, int(xPos/6)+2)
   if(xPos > width || xPos < 0){
     xSpeed = -xSpeed;
     xPos += xSpeed;

   if(yPos > width || yPos < 0){
     ySpeed = -ySpeed;
     yPos += ySpeed;
       new ProgramChange(myNumber)

 void playNote(){
   note = new Note(int(xPos/5f),int(yPos/10f)+60,int(random(1000)));

 void paint(){

I don't have a great deal of experience, and while I appreciate that this may well be a beginners question I did spend a long time trying to find a way myself before bothering you guys!

Thanks very much,

All the best >> Samana Tleilax
Re: Create New Object Every Second
Reply #1 - Oct 3rd, 2008, 10:35am
heres a sample how to "activate" something every second.
just adapt it to your code, you should do fine.

float startTime, currTime;
float hitTime;

void setup()
 hitTime = 1000; // 1000 millis = 1 second
 startTime = millis();

void draw()
 currTime = millis() - startTime;
 if( currTime >= hitTime )
   startTime = millis();
   createNewObject(); // do your call here
Re: Create New Object Every Second
Reply #2 - Oct 4th, 2008, 5:24pm

Thanks for the reply,
I think a lot of the problem was my trying to do too much before I had gotten the basics. Will try and implement that code you posted when I have learnt a bit more XD
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