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float precision problem? (Read 843 times)
float precision problem?
Sep 30th, 2008, 10:06am
I just started implementing a simple mandelbrot zoom app based on the Processing example, and I think I'm hitting float precision limits.  It feels like I'm hitting the limits too early though, with numbers around e-7.

Can anybody comment on where in the app I'm losing precision, and what I can do to improve it?


int wth = 300;
int hgt = wth;

float centerX = -.5;
float centerY = 0;
float scale = 4;
float bailoutCircle = 10;

int maxIterations = 200;

color colorCore = color(0,0,0);

boolean bands = true;

color gradientColor1 = color(0,10,30);
color gradientColor2 = color(255,255,255);
float gradientShift = 1;
float gradientScale = 20;
float gradientNoise = .01;

setup() {
size(wth, hgt);

mousePressed() {
centerX += (scale*float(mouseX)/wth-scale/2);
centerY += (scale*float(mouseY)/hgt-scale/2);
scale /= 2.0;
println("X "+centerX+" Y "+centerY+" SC "+scale);

mouseDragged() {
float dirX = mouseX - wth/2;
float dirY = mouseY - hgt/2;
float d = dist(0,0,dirX,dirY);
dirX /= d;
dirY /= d;
centerX += dirX*scale*.01;
centerY += dirY*scale*.01;
scale /= 1.01;
println("X "+centerX+" Y "+centerY+" SC "+scale);

draw() {

drawMandelbrot() {


float xmin = centerX - scale/2;
float xmax = centerX + scale/2;
float ymin = centerY - scale/2;
float ymax = centerY + scale/2;

// Calculate amount we increment x,y for each pixel
float dx = (xmax - xmin)/wth;
float dy = (ymax - ymin)/hgt;
println("D "+dx);

float aa = 0;
float bb = 0;
float y = ymin;
for(int j = 0; j < height; j++) {
float x = xmin;
for(int i = 0; i < width; i++) {

// Now we test, as we iterate z = z^2 + cm does z tend towards infinity?
float a = x;
float b = y;
int n = 0;
while ( n < maxIterations ) {
float tmpa = a*a - b*b + x;
b = 2.0 * a * b + y;
a = tmpa;
aa = a*a;
bb = b*b;
if(aa + bb > bailoutCircle*bailoutCircle) break; // Bail

if (n == maxIterations) pixels[i+j*width] = colorCore;
else {
if(bands) pixels[i+j*width] = color(abs(n*16 % 511 - 256));
else {
float gradient = n + 1.0f - log(log((aa+bb)))/log(2);
gradient = abs((gradientShift+gradient/gradientScale+random(gradientNoise))%2-1);
pixels[i+j*width] = gradientColor(gradientColor1,gradientColor2,gradient);

x += dx;
y += dy;



gradientColor(color colorA, color colorB, float t) {
t = constrain(t, 0, 1);
float r = lerp(red(colorA), red(colorB), t);
float g = lerp(green(colorA), green(colorB), t);
float b = lerp(blue(colorA), blue(colorB), t);
return color(r,g,b);

Re: float precision problem?
Reply #1 - Sep 30th, 2008, 10:30am
Unfortunately I think that's acting how I'd expect.. when you square small numbers, you get really small numbers, so your tmpa=a*a-b*b+x; will suffer from quite a loss in precision
Re: float precision problem?
Reply #2 - Sep 30th, 2008, 11:52am
Isn't it possible to use double instead?

Btw: nice Mandelbrot Smiley

"The Java programming language provides two built-in classes for representing floating-point numbers: float, and double.

The "float" class takes 4 bytes of storage, and have 23 binary digits of precision. The "double" class takes 8 bytes of storage, and have 52 binary digits of precision."
Re: float precision problem?
Reply #3 - Sep 30th, 2008, 2:54pm
Tom K wrote on Sep 30th, 2008, 10:06am:
It feels like I'm hitting the limits too early though, with numbers around e-7

yeah, that's roughly the limit for floats.. you can use double instead, but you'll have to convert them to floats before drawing, because no processing api functions use doubles.

also, you can speed up your gradient function enormously by using left and right shifts:
Re: float precision problem?
Reply #4 - Sep 30th, 2008, 9:49pm
I wasn't aware of the doubles - thanks!  

Reaching e-17 now - enough for some decent zoom fun on my current project.  Any advice or pointers about how to push this even further is still welcome though.

I also followed Ben's advice and did the bitshifting for the colors.


int wth = 1000;
int hgt = wth;

double centerX = -.5;
double centerY = 0;
double scale = 4;
double bailoutCircle = 10;

int maxIterations = 1000;

color colorCore = color(0,0,0);

// bands are a faster coloring method
boolean bands = false;

// if bands is false, a nice noised gradient will be used with following colors:
color gradientColor1 = color(0,10,30);
color gradientColor2 = color(255,255,255);
float gradientShift = 1;
float gradientScale = 20;
float gradientNoise = .01;

setup() {
size(wth, hgt);

mousePressed() {
//centerX += (scale*double(mouseX)/wth-scale/2);
centerX += (scale*(mouseX)/wth-scale/2);
centerY += (scale*(mouseY)/hgt-scale/2);
scale /= 2.0;
println("X "+centerX+" Y "+centerY+" SC "+scale);

mouseDragged() {
float dirX = mouseX - wth/2;
float dirY = mouseY - hgt/2;
float d = dist(0,0,dirX,dirY);
dirX /= d;
dirY /= d;
centerX += dirX*scale*.01;
centerY += dirY*scale*.01;
scale /= 1.01;
println("X "+centerX+" Y "+centerY+" SC "+scale);

draw() {

drawMandelbrot() {


double xmin = centerX - scale/2;
double xmax = centerX + scale/2;
double ymin = centerY - scale/2;
double ymax = centerY + scale/2;

// Calculate amount we increment x,y for each pixel
double dx = (xmax - xmin)/wth;
double dy = (ymax - ymin)/hgt;
println("D "+dx);

double aa = 0;
double bb = 0;
double y = ymin;
for(int j = 0; j < height; j++) {
double x = xmin;
for(int i = 0; i < width; i++) {

// Now we test, as we iterate z = z^2 + cm does z tend towards infinity?
double a = x;
double b = y;
int n = 0;
while ( n < maxIterations ) {
double tmpa = a*a - b*b + x;
b = 2.0 * a * b + y;
a = tmpa;
aa = a*a;
bb = b*b;
if(aa + bb > bailoutCircle*bailoutCircle) break; // Bail

if (n == maxIterations) pixels[i+j*width] = colorCore;
else {
if(bands) pixels[i+j*width] = color(abs(n*16 % 511 - 256));
else {
float gradient = n + 1.0f - log(log((float)(aa+bb)))/log(2);
gradient = abs((gradientShift+gradient/gradientScale+random(gradientNoise))%2-1);
pixels[i+j*width] = gradientColor(gradientColor1,gradientColor2,gradient);

x += dx;
y += dy;



gradientColor(color colorA, color colorB, float t) {
t = constrain(t, 0, 1);
int r = int(lerp((colorA >> 16) & 0xFF, (colorB >> 16) & 0xFF, t));
int g = int(lerp((colorA >> 8 ) & 0xFF, (colorB >> 8 ) & 0xFF, t));
int b = int(lerp( colorA & 0xFF, colorB & 0xFF, t));
// println("T "+t+" R "+r+" G "+g+" B "+b);
int a = 255;
return color((a<<24)|(r<<16)|(g<<8)|b);

Re: float precision problem?
Reply #5 - Oct 1st, 2008, 12:25am
You can go to arbitrary levels of precision with http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/api/java/math/BigDecimal.html
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