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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpPrograms › stuck: failing if statement
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stuck: failing if statement (Read 255 times)
stuck: failing if statement
Sep 25th, 2008, 11:18pm
UPDATE: After browsing through the reference i finally found out that it's not possible to compare strings using the equality operator. The reference for the '==' operator states that it is possible tough...

Hi everyone. I'm terribly stuck with the sketch below. I'm trying to accomplish the following:

-Load Last.FM Chart data
-Create an ArtistPool object that gets filled with Artist objects as i parse the XML files, leaving me with a workable data structure (without doubled artists) when i'm done parsing.

I'm stuck with the getIndexInPool() function. It keeps returning -1 because the if statement in the functions fails to work

-> if (aname == testName) {

for some reason it is unable to compare the string that was passed to the function with the _artists[i].name string, yet when i compare the strings manually (by cutting and pasting the values from the xml) it works. I've tried casting values to strings, stepping thru it  manually, bassicly anything i could think of, but i'm still stuck.

Some help would be appreciated! :)


import processing.xml.*;

String chartlistFilename = "weeklychartlist.xml";
String weeklyArtistChartListFilename = "weeklyartistchart";

XMLElement xml;
ArtistPool pool;
Artist artist;

class Artist {
 String name;
 int[] chartPosition;
 int[] playCount;
 Artist(String Aname, int weeks) {
   // var setup
   name = Aname;
   chartPosition = new int[weeks];
   playCount = new int[weeks];
   // prefilling the artist positions with empty values.
   for (int i = 0; i<weeks; i++) {
     chartPosition[i] = 0;
     playCount[i] = 0;
 void updateArtist(int week,int chartPos,int playCnt) {
   chartPosition[week] = chartPos;
   playCount[week] = playCnt;
 String artistName() {
   return name;

class ArtistPool {
   Artist[] _artists;
 ArtistPool () {
   _artists = new Artist[0];
 int getIndexInPool (String aname) {
   int index = -1;
   for (int i = 0; i< _artists.length;i++) {
     String testName = _artists[i].name;
     if (aname == testName) {
         index = i;
         println("if werkt");
   return index;
 void updatePool (Artist artist, int artistIndex) {
   _artists[artistIndex] = artist;
 void insertIntoPool (Artist artist) {
   _artists = (Artist[]) append(_artists, artist);
 Artist getArtistFromPool(int index) {
   return _artists[index];
 int poolSize() {
   return _artists.length;

void setup () {

 size (200,200);
 xml = new XMLElement (this, chartlistFilename);
 int numElements = xml.getChildCount();
 pool = new ArtistPool();

String[] fileNames = new String[numElements];

 for (int i = 0; i<numElements; i++) {

   XMLElement chart = xml.getChild(i);  
   String from = chart.getStringAttribute("from");
   String to = chart.getStringAttribute("to");
   String fileName = from + "-" + to + "-" + weeklyArtistChartListFilename + ".xml";
   fileNames[i] = fileName;  
 for (int i = 0; i<fileNames.length; i++) {
   xml = new XMLElement (this, fileNames[i]);
   int numElements2 = xml.getChildCount();
   for (int j = 0; j<numElements2; j++) {
     XMLElement artistElement = xml.getChild(j);
     XMLElement artistName = artistElement.getChild(0);
     XMLElement chartPosition = artistElement.getChild(2);
     XMLElement playCount = artistElement.getChild(3);
     String aName = artistName.getContent();
     int pCount = int(playCount.getContent());
     int chartPos = int(chartPosition.getContent());
     int currentArtistIndex = pool.getIndexInPool(aName);
     //print (currentArtistIndex);
     if (currentArtistIndex != -1) {
       Artist currentArtist = pool.getArtistFromPool(currentArtistIndex);
     } else {
       artist = new Artist(aName,numElements);
 String a = pool._artists[0].name;
 String b = pool._artists[5].name;
 if(a == b) {
   println("This if just won't work");
Re: stuck: failing if statement
Reply #1 - Sep 26th, 2008, 11:23am

use the .equals method for comparing Objects in java.


(although this'll break if aname is null so maybe check for that first...)
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