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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpSound,  Music Libraries › Minim problem... I can't hear ANYTHING
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Minim problem... I can't hear ANYTHING (Read 3508 times)
Minim problem... I can't hear ANYTHING
Sep 18th, 2008, 5:12am
Hi there,

I've used Minim a number of times (even in a class I taught earlier this year) and its always worked as I expected. Several months have passed since I last did anything with it and tonight, I went to use it in a new app I'm working on, loaded up an AudioPlayer, hit play() and... SILENCE.

I went to the website and tried some of the examples inside the web browser. They work. Then I went back to some examples (with AudioSnippets, primarily) I'd made for class earlier in the year that worked just fine on my computer months ago. Now they produce no sound.

I tried different experiments in the PDE and in Eclipse, routing through Soundflower, but none of it made sound.

I'm not sure what is causing this but it is frustrating and I want my Minim!!!

One thing that crossed my mind is that I recently ran software update and let Apple install OS X 10.5.5. So Maybe the new 10.5.5 update breaks something? Argh... anyway, I'd be curious to know if others have had the same problem.

Macbook Pro, OS X 10.5.5

Re: Minim problem... I can't hear ANYTHING
Reply #1 - Oct 6th, 2008, 9:00pm
Hi ,

I've got the same problem on my macbook pro with 10.5.5 but it works on my mac mini with 10.5.2 ... so now we know that something get broken during an  OSX upgrade ... too bad !!! I also want my Minim !
Re: Minim problem... I can't hear ANYTHING
Reply #2 - Oct 15th, 2008, 11:59pm
Same problem here too on my MacBook Pro with 10.5.5. However, if I disconnect my external speakers, it works! Plug them in again, the sound disappears. There seems to be a bug in the code somewhere...
Re: Minim problem... I can't hear ANYTHING
Reply #3 - Oct 23rd, 2008, 9:08pm
alright, well, I got one of those shiny new macbook pros and I can hear stuff with Minim again! Yay!

But I'm wary of installing the Java for Mac OS X 10.5 Update 2 that is sitting in my software update control panel, asking to be installed. I don't want to take any risks of breaking Minim sound playback. Has anyone out there run this update on one of the new (glossy + big trackpad thing) macbook pros and successfully played back sound with Minim?
Re: Minim problem... I can't hear ANYTHING
Reply #4 - Nov 20th, 2008, 6:07pm
Audio with Minim is working fine for me. I've tried the AudioInput, AudioPlayer and AudioOutput classes. Audio playback works normally with built-in speakers and with headphones.

I'm running OS X 10.5.5 on a MacBook Pro with Apple's JRE build 1.5.0_16-b06-284. My MacBook Pro is a January '08 era model.
Re: Minim problem... I can't hear ANYTHING
Reply #5 - Nov 21st, 2008, 8:40am
Forgot to mention I was using Processing 148. I upgraded to 157, and that works, too. Well, after I remembered to move the MP3 file I was playing.

I had originally just dumped it in the Processing folder with Processing 0148.app. Since later releases moved all the other directories into the application package, I decided to stop being careless and move the MP3 file into the directory of the Sketch that was loading it. Before I did that, I was getting:

Exception in thread "Animation Thread" java.lang.NullPointerException
 at ddf.mimin.javasound.JSMinim.getAudioInputStream(JSMinim.java:543)
 at ddf.mimin.javasound.JSMinim.getAudioRecordingStream(JSMinim.java:176)
 at ddf.minim.Minim.loadFile(Minim.java:262)
Re: Minim problem... I can't hear ANYTHING
Reply #6 - Dec 9th, 2008, 7:45am
I have some similar problems.

I have an app that loads AudioSnippets and later plays them. The program loads up 6 different-yet-similar sounds and when a certain trigger happens, will roll a int(random(1,6)) and play the sound associated with its respective number.

The sound plays fine the first time, but any subsequent times the number is rolled it doesn't play anything. Did the garbage collector grab something?
Re: Minim problem... I can't hear ANYTHING
Reply #7 - Dec 9th, 2008, 9:48am
are these mp3s? i remember having a similar problem with them. i think the solution was to use wav or aiff.

another thing you might want to try is to rewind() before rolling them.

Re: Minim problem... I can't hear ANYTHING
Reply #8 - Dec 18th, 2008, 8:25am
I was having these same problem on 10.5.5, and after an hour of fiddling have found a solution.

Go to /Library/Java/Extensions  and take the two files called libMandoMixerOEMAJNILib.jar and libMandoMixerOEMAJNILib.jnilib, move them to some other directory, restart processing and try again.

I'm not entirely sure what these files are or if doing this will horribly break your computer... but it worked for me.
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