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Can not write to mov... (Read 423 times)
Can not write to mov...
Sep 11th, 2008, 5:23pm
I use 0135 and 0148 PC version.
Both failed to write a mov movie file..
Can some one please help me looking the code?  big thank!
import processing.video.*;

Movie myMovie;
MovieMaker mm;  // Declare MovieMaker object
PImage imgx;

void setup() {  
 size(640, 480, P3D);  
 background(0);  // Load and play the video in a loop  
 myMovie = new Movie(this, "station.mov");
 mm = new MovieMaker(this, width, height, "drawing1.mov",20, MovieMaker.H263, MovieMaker.HIGH);
 imgx = new PImage(160, 120);

//void movieEvent(Movie myMovie) {  
 //imgx.copy(myMovie, 0, 0, myMovie.width, myMovie.height, 0, 0, myMovie.width, myMovie.height);

void draw() {  
 if(myMovie.available()) {
   imgx.copy(myMovie, 0, 0, myMovie.width, myMovie.height, 0, 0, imgx.width, imgx.height);
 tint(255, 80);  
 image(imgx, mouseX-myMovie.width/2, mouseY-myMovie.height/2);  
 mm.addFrame();  // Add window's pixels to movie


void keyPressed() {  
 if (key == ' ') {
   mm.finish();  // Finish the movie if space bar is pressed!  

Re: Can not write to mov...
Reply #1 - Sep 12th, 2008, 2:46pm
As often in "this doesn't work" messages, we lack a bit of information.
I will suppose that by "PC" you mean some Windows computer. It might be interesting to know if that's XP, Vista or something else.
I suppose you have installed QuickTime per instructions of the library.
Now, what doesn't work Do you see the movie displayed or not at all Do you have a file created Empty file or big unreadable file
And so on. I don't see an obvious error in your code, but I might miss something.
I have played a bit with movie export (see my Test of MovieMaker video type thread) but not with movie play.
Re: Can not write to mov...
Reply #2 - Sep 13th, 2008, 3:47am
Much thank to you...
this code is based on the examples come with 0148 on a XP sp3 computer.
YesI have installed QuickTime.
as for " per instructions of the library",
I have read the "howto.txt", it does not instruct me about what version of Quicktime.

The "doesn't work" is after I hit [run], the [display window] becomes fulled of grey color. I have checked the [show sketch folder] and not finding any movie files. I am aware that video files are usually larger files (like 20 or 30 MB or up if recording for a few seconds) and the video file that's generated by [movie maker] has a ".m" inatead of ".mov" or ".mpg" like it usually appears in video editing world (ie. premiere, vegas ...).
Re: Can not write to mov...
Reply #3 - Sep 13th, 2008, 10:33am
OK, thanks for the details.
QT version: http://processing.org/reference/libraries/video/index.html writes: "QuickTime 6 is no longer recommended, use QuickTime 7 instead."

You write the sketch window remains gray, that probably means the video isn't played. You have to ensure the video file is found, I believe it must be in a data folder under the sketch's folder, but for testing purpose (not good for distribution and Web usage!), you can specify an absolute path (eg. "E:/Docs/Movies/sample.mov").

The movie is, by default, written in the same directory as the sketch. In my attempts, sometime the movie maker failed but I has an exception displayed in the result pane.

I would separate the two goals, to join them later: one sketch to play a movie, another to test the movie creation (eg. try my little test sketch).
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