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most pixels ever (Read 4642 times)
Re: most pixels ever
Reply #15 - Feb 20th, 2009, 8:37pm

thanks for your quick answer!

somehow it seems as if the server was not really running for some reason... (i was just not sure about this, as in the debugging it didn't complain about it...)

all the best

Re: most pixels ever
Reply #16 - Feb 24th, 2009, 1:50pm

i'm working on a video project using 12 screens
4 windows computers with 3 videocards each.

I want to use the MPE to make one big screen. the test code worked fine one my macbook pro running 6 screens with the balls program. but know i'm looking for a way to spread one video file over the screens, but i dont have the faintest idea how to input this in the code.

I hope anyone can help

Re: most pixels ever
Reply #17 - Feb 26th, 2009, 9:50pm
The library is not really designed to work with recorded video.  It's really more for real-time computation-driven Processing stuff.  There is commercial software out there that will sync videos across multiple monitors.
Re: most pixels ever
Reply #18 - Mar 3rd, 2009, 11:12am
as a student commercial products are not a option and they are most likely closed source so it won't be any us to me even if i could pay for it.

"not realy design for recorded video" , It sound like it might be posible. so i'm just going to run a lot of experiments with the sketch. 1 recorded video or input from a camera over multiple screens and multiple recordings on multiple screens but i suspect it will take me a while the get some results

But first I'm going to try and run some different processing sketchs in the MPE

I'll keep you posted and help is always welkom
Re: most pixels ever
Reply #19 - Mar 13th, 2009, 12:31am

I am trying to export a project as an application but for some reason I am not getting an INI file...
I used a similar INI as in the example and the same client object.

Thanks for any hints
Re: most pixels ever
Reply #20 - Apr 14th, 2009, 1:44pm
Hello Shiffman

Great lib! Thanks for making available!
Is there a reference somewhere to the public methods available? You use client.getXoffset() in the examples, for my experiment I would like to know the masterdimensions from within the applet?

Thanks a lot for all your contribution to the community
Re: most pixels ever
Reply #21 - Apr 14th, 2009, 2:35pm
sorry, it´s when I post a question that I become clever Smiley there´s the L, for local and M for Master (who would say Wink
Re: most pixels ever
Reply #22 - Apr 29th, 2009, 4:46am

I've just gotten MPE working for a class project; Everything seems to work fine save one item: sending and receiving messages with frameEvent.

I followed the example on the page google code page.

exactly but messages never made it from the sender -> server -> other clients. When I moved the if(c.hasMessageAvailable()) block to the first thing in my draw routine (I know, ugly) it works fine I see messages flowing correctly.

I'm on a Mac, OS X 10.5.6 with java 1.5.0_16 (the default).
I've downloaded the MPE code and compiled it myself and rebuilt the mpeServer.jar to turn on some debug printing (all a bit of an adventure I must say).

Two things:

1) any ideas on the frameEvent thing I've seen? and,
2) Would you like any code submissions -- I'd like to write up a short readme and maybe an ant buildfile for the server and client so it's a bit simpler for other folks to learn to build...

Thanks for the great project, it rocks.

Re: most pixels ever
Reply #23 - Apr 30th, 2009, 11:53am
Hey Ivan, I'm about to experiment with the MPE library in my class and I would love to see your code and readme if you are willing to make that available. Thanks.

Re: most pixels ever
Reply #24 - May 23rd, 2009, 4:47am
Daniel Shiffman wrote on Aug 26th, 2008, 12:06am:
Are you on windows  Sorry, this is my fault, I compiled the library with java 1.5 I think.  Let me know and I will fix!

Use "javac -target 1.4" when you compile your code and it'll work with the JRE bundled with processing. It won't stop you from using libraries in a newer release though, so that's something to watch out for.
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