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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpPrograms › dynamically connecting points with rounded lines
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dynamically connecting points with rounded lines (Read 560 times)
dynamically connecting points with rounded lines
Aug 22nd, 2008, 11:55pm
i'm trying to connect points, with rounded lines similar to how hektor's interface works.


or like this.


i'm not sure where to start. but i know it's possible any help would be immensely appreciated.

Re: dynamically connecting points with rounded lin
Reply #1 - Aug 23rd, 2008, 11:27am
I'd use a bezier (http://processing.org/reference/bezier_.html)
I'd take use the direction of the lines to detirmine which one is longest. From that I'd make a temporary point and add a bit to the length. Then center it between the two lines.
Then use the bezier function i.e. bezier(lineA.x,lineA.y,tempLine.x,tempLine.y,tempLine.x,tempLine.y,lineB.x,lineB

hope this helps

Re: dynamically connecting points with rounded lin
Reply #2 - Aug 23rd, 2008, 2:10pm
You can also use curve(), which I find a little simpler to control since the curve passes through all the pts. The trick is in the ordering of the pts passed to the function. Here's an example:

// spline curve between random points
int nodeCount = 60;
float nodeSize = 6.0;
float padding = 50.0;
Point3D[] pts = new Point3D[nodeCount];

void setup(){
size(500, 500, P3D);

// argument changes spline interpolation

// calc random points
for (int i=0; i<pts.length; i++){
pts[i] = new Point3D(random(padding, width-padding), random(padding, height-padding), random(-padding, padding));

// draw spline curve
look carefully at the order
of the points passed to curve()
curve(pts[0].x, pts[0].y, pts[0].z, pts[0].x, pts[0].y, pts[0].z, pts[1].x, pts[1].y, pts[1].z, pts[2].x, pts[2].y, pts[2].z);
for (int i=0; i<pts.length-3; i++){
curve(pts[i].x, pts[i].y, pts[i].z, pts[i+1].x, pts[i+1].y, pts[i+1].z, pts[i+2].x, pts[i+2].y, pts[i+2].z, pts[i+3].x, pts[i+3].y, pts[i+3].z);
curve(pts[pts.length-3].x, pts[pts.length-3].y, pts[pts.length-3].z, pts[pts.length-2].x, pts[pts.length-2].y, pts[pts.length-2].z, pts[pts.length-1].x, pts[pts.length-1].y, pts[pts.length-1].z, pts[pts.length-1].x, pts[pts.length-1].y, pts[pts.length-1].z);

// draw nodes
for (int i=0; i<pts.length; i++){
translate(pts[i].x, pts[i].y, pts[i].z);
if (i==0 || i == pts.length-1){
fill(255, 75, 0);
box(nodeSize, nodeSize, nodeSize);

class Point3D{
float x, y, z;


Point3D(float x, float y, float z){
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.z = z;

Re: dynamically connecting points with rounded lin
Reply #3 - Aug 27th, 2008, 7:17am

thank you so much. that's definately a start, but i'm not sure how to use it in a way that would conect the endpoints of a shape that already exists.

lets say i'm drawing a form from a set of points in a 2D array OR importing an svg file

is this possible? it has to be. right?


float[][] punkte = {
{-71.927734375,59.08203125, -73.017578125,62.310546875,-56.22265625,23.654296875, -56.22265625,23.654296875},
{-56.22265625,23.654296875, -48.1884765625,31.69921875,-45.5361328125,62.13671875, -45.5361328125,62.13671875},
{56.7978515625,56.201171875, 58.013671875,45.609375,60.8447265625,22.1328125, 60.8447265625,22.1328125},
{60.8447265625,22.1328125, 68.57421875,26.56640625,83.623046875,36.10546875, 83.623046875,36.10546875},
{25.4013671875,57.4453125, 33.263671875,50.77734375,51.0400390625,25.8125, 51.0400390625,25.8125},
{51.0400390625,25.8125, 52.486328125,40.0859375,52.6318359375,68.75, 52.6318359375,68.75},
{20.564453125,47.767578125, 36.150390625,42.18359375,38.6318359375,20.73828125, 38.6318359375,20.73828125},
{38.6318359375,20.73828125, 33.021484375,19.974609375,21.8017578125,18.44921875, 21.8017578125,18.44921875},
{-22.021484375,-4.56640625, 24.0966796875,15.19921875,-89.640625,69.22265625, -89.640625,69.22265625},
{-89.640625,69.22265625, -108.9658203125,15.705078125,-23.482421875,-34.826171875, -23.482421875,-34.826171875},
{-92.220703125,20.671875, -85.2998046875,17.984375,-65.8505859375,4.69140625, -65.8505859375,4.69140625},
{-65.8505859375,4.69140625, -73.4619140625,-0.201171875,-89.03515625,-9.400390625, -89.03515625,-9.400390625},
{-80.3876953125,24.072265625, -83.1376953125,25.328125,-88.31640625,28.4296875, -88.31640625,28.4296875},
{-80.3876953125,24.072265625, -53.7998046875,9.638671875,-80.4501953125,59.298828125, -80.4501953125,59.298828125},
{80.4765625,-11.302734375, 77.302734375,-10.7109375,49.9462890625,9.5546875, 49.9462890625,9.5546875},
{49.9462890625,9.5546875, 59.5380859375,12.54296875,77.900390625,20.544921875, 77.900390625,20.544921875},
{-36.5595703125,26.76953125, -85.8203125,-15.892578125,36.689453125,13.2578125, 36.689453125,13.2578125},
{36.689453125,13.2578125, 30.7236328125,12.830078125,18.7919921875,11.97265625, 18.7919921875,11.97265625},
{-46.7431640625,24.447265625, -46.9462890625,33.951171875,-42.1171875,51.84765625, -42.1171875,51.84765625},
{70.5498046875,-15.880859375, 65.34765625,-8.748046875,50.84375,-1.169921875, 50.84375,-1.169921875},
{50.84375,-1.169921875, 54.2109375,-15.1640625,55.9775390625,-43.7265625, 55.9775390625,-43.7265625},
{-0.1044921875,-88.640625, -5.8427734375,-49.345703125,41.59375,-4.455078125, 41.59375,-4.455078125},
{41.59375,-4.455078125, 44.697265625,-15.69140625,48.0029296875,-38.71484375, 48.0029296875,-38.71484375},
{8.591796875,-26.03125, 23.5341796875,-44.333984375,65.4453125,-53.099609375, 65.4453125,-53.099609375},
{65.4453125,-53.099609375, 88.1396484375,-24.087890625,92.5400390625,58.59375, 92.5400390625,58.59375},
{92.5400390625,58.59375, 91.6259765625,73.953125,31.3857421875,90.791015625, 31.3857421875,90.791015625},
{31.3857421875,90.791015625, 3.2421875,95.66015625,9.740234375,1.482421875, 9.740234375,1.482421875},
{-61.8544921875,-46.1328125, -49.48046875,-37.4609375,-34.576171875,-15.93359375, -34.576171875,-15.93359375},
{-34.576171875,-15.93359375, -6.2568359375,-35.439453125,-10.9765625,-94.896484375, -10.9765625,-94.896484375},
{-89.91015625,-16.556640625, -87.64453125,-17.984375,-68.1181640625,-3.970703125, -68.1181640625,-3.970703125},
{-68.1181640625,-3.970703125, -63.828125,-2.685546875,-67.5048828125,-45.21484375, -67.5048828125,-45.21484375}};

int nodeCount = punkte.length;//4;
float nodeSize = 3.0;

Point2D[] pts = new Point2D[nodeCount];

void setup(){
size(500, 500);

// calc random points
for (int i=0; i<pts.length; i++){
pts[i] = new Point2D(punkte[i][0], punkte[i][1]);


void draw(){

// argument changes spline interpolation


// draw the starting/original form
for(int i=0; i<punkte.length; i++) {
punkte[i][0], punkte[i][1],
punkte[i][2], punkte[i][3],
punkte[i][4], punkte[i][5],
punkte[i][6], punkte[i][7]);

// draw spline curve
// look carefully at the order of the points passed to curve()

curve(pts[0].x, pts[0].y, pts[0].x, pts[0].y, pts[1].x, pts[1].y, pts[2].x, pts[2].y);

for (int i=0; i<pts.length-3; i++){
curve(pts[i].x, pts[i].y, pts[i+1].x, pts[i+1].y, pts[i+2].x, pts[i+2].y, pts[i+3].x, pts[i+3].y);

curve(pts[pts.length-3].x, pts[pts.length-3].y, pts[pts.length-2].x, pts[pts.length-2].y, pts[pts.length-1].x, pts[pts.length-1].y, pts[pts.length-1].x, pts[pts.length-1].y);

// draw nodes
for (int i=0; i<pts.length; i++){
translate(pts[i].x, pts[i].y);

if (i==0 || i == pts.length-1){
fill(255, 75, 0);

ellipse(0,0, nodeSize,nodeSize);


class Point2D{
float x, y;


Point2D(float x, float y){
this.x = x;
this.y = y;


Re: dynamically connecting points with rounded lin
Reply #4 - Aug 27th, 2008, 11:25pm

I'd convert the 2D float array into a 1D Point2D array. I also noticed that your point data had lots of redundancy. See if this helps at all:



void setup(){
 size(500, 500);
 // convert 2D float array into 1D Point2D array
 Point2D[] pts = new Point2D[punkte.length*(punkte[0].length/2)];
 int counter=0;
 for (int i=0; i<punkte.length; i++){
   for (int j=1; j<punkte[i].length; j+=2){
     pts[counter++] = new Point2D(punkte[i][j-1], punkte[i][j]);
 // remove redundant pts
 Point2D[] cleanedPts = { new Point2D(pts[0].x, pts[0].y) };
 for (int i=1; i<pts.length; i++){
   if (pts[i].x != pts[i-1].x || pts[i].y != pts[i-1].y){
     cleanedPts = (Point2D[])append(cleanedPts, new Point2D(pts[i].x, pts[i].y));
 Path2D path = new Path2D(cleanedPts);
 translate(width/2, height/2);

class Path2D{
 Point2D[] pts;

 Path2D(Point2D[] pts){
   this.pts = pts;

 void createPath(){
   curve(pts[0].x, pts[0].y, pts[0].x, pts[0].y, pts[1].x, pts[1].y, pts[2].x, pts[2].y);
   for (int i=0; i<pts.length-3; i++){
     curve(pts[i].x, pts[i].y, pts[i+1].x, pts[i+1].y, pts[i+2].x, pts[i+2].y, pts[i+3].x, pts[i+3].y);
   curve(pts[pts.length-3].x, pts[pts.length-3].y, pts[pts.length-2].x, pts[pts.length-2].y, pts[pts.length-1].x, pts[pts.length-1].y, pts[pts.length-1].x, pts[pts.length-1].y);

 void createNodes(){
   for (int i=0; i<pts.length; i++){
     ellipse(pts[i].x, pts[i].y, 4, 4);

class Point2D{
 float x, y;


 Point2D(float x, float y){
   this.x = x;
   this.y = y;

Re: dynamically connecting points with rounded lin
Reply #5 - Aug 28th, 2008, 2:51pm
ira, you've just won the "widest comment ever" award. you may not have realized there was an award for it, and we may have never awarded it in the past, but this time around, the prize is yours.
Re: dynamically connecting points with rounded lin
Reply #6 - Aug 28th, 2008, 4:12pm
(I had to fit that nasty array in somehow)
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