We closed this forum 18 June 2010. It has served us well since 2005 as the ALPHA forum did before it from 2002 to 2005. New discussions are ongoing at the new URL http://forum.processing.org. You'll need to sign up and get a new user account. We're sorry about that inconvenience, but we think it's better in the long run. The content on this forum will remain online.
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"p5core.jar"? (Read 895 times)
Mar 9th, 2008, 4:45pm
sorry if it sounds heretical but may i suggest that the name of "core.jar" be changed in the future to something like "p5core.jar"? the generic "core.jar" gets confusing, especially if you're trying to use p5 in a larger application that may itself have lots of other vaguely named library files. just a thought.
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