Hi all,
I'd like to announce a new open source tool we have been developing at CITAR: DiABlu Mailman - http://diablu.jorgecardoso.eu .
This is a tool that allows sending files to bluetooth devices and also receiving files from BT devices. It uses OSC to communicate with applications so any OSC-capable application can send and receive files.
I know that this is not Processing specific, but I thought it still might be useful to some of you...
I have uploaded some videos to Youtube that give a small perspective on what the tool allows:
Demo1 - http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=vRysHIVkIdY
Demo2 - http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=hFXE5c1vLrI
Demo1 features a Pure Data application that receives images from bluetooth devices and shows them in a rotating cube. Demo2 features a Processing application that allows sending a text file to any device of a given manufacturer.
Mailman itself is written in Java and uses the Bluecove bluetooth library and Netutil OSC library, so it should work whenever bluecove works but it has been tested on Windows XP and Mac OS X.
Download - http://code.google.com/p/diablu/downloads/list
This is the first release so it is bound to have bugs, but the project is in active development at least until December (minus the next two weeks for holidays

So, if you test it and find any bugs or have any comments or suggestions please file them on the Issues page or send me an email. I'd appreciate it.