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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpPrograms › slow mousepressed lag time
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slow mousepressed lag time (Read 206 times)
slow mousepressed lag time
Aug 5th, 2008, 4:57pm
I am making a bubble diagram that people will be able to interact with by mouse press and drag on the bubbles. Can anyone recommend a more efficent way to code this so that I won't have such a large lag time between the mouse and the object when I use mousepressed and drag.
//michelle swanson 07/28/08

int s = 4; //**scale factor
float rx;
float ry;
spaces[] space;
void setup(){
//size (1600,1000);
 //import space prgram data, it must be located in the data folder
 String lines[] = loadStrings("test11.txt");
 space= new spaces[lines.length]; //to store space info in an array
 for (int j=0; j < lines.length; j++) {
   String[] group = (split(lines[j],",/,"));//to split into 2 groups and separate out the adjacency info by the ,/, deliminator
   String[] groupN = (split(group[0],","));
   // println(groupN[0]); //name,area,dept [0] all one line;
   //println(group[1]); //adj list [1] dept1adj,dept2adj,dept3adj...through lines.length all one line
   float[] group0 = float(split(group[0],",")); // to split and convert group0 by comma into separate int values
   //println(group0); //(name[0],area[1],dept[2]) to store in array, department adjacent value matrix, single split int values
   float[] group1 = float(split(group[1],",")); //to separate dept1adj, dept2adj, dept3adj...through group1.length
   // println (group1);
  space[j] = new spaces(groupN[0], group0[1], (sqrt(group0[2]))*s, group0[4]*(j+50), random(100,(width-100)), random(150,(height-150)), j, group1);  // to store in array

void draw()

 // loop to call behavior
 for (int i = 0; i < space.length; i++){
// loops for mouse interaction behavior
void mousePressed(){
 for (int i=0; i<space.length; i++){
void mouseDragged(){
 for (int i=0; i<space.length; i++) {
void mouseReleased() {
 for (int i=0; i<space.length; i++){  

class spaces
 // define variables - states
 float nm;
 float ar;
 float dt;
 float bc;
 float xp;
 float yp;
 float id;
 float s;
 String tnm;
 boolean hover = false;
 boolean locked = false;
 float dia;
 float vx = 0;
 float vy = 0;
 float[] ad;
 // constructor
 spaces(String tname, float name, float area, float dept, float xpos, float ypos, float ident, float[] adjc)
   tnm = tname;
   nm = name;
   ar = area;
   dt = dept;
   xp = xpos;
   yp = ypos;
   id = ident;
   ad = adjc;

 //space behaviors-------------------------------------
 void render(){
   fill(255,dt,0,150); // color by department(space[i].dt)
   stroke (50);
   ellipse (xp, yp, ar, ar); //organize by dept so add dt into xp or yp location
       PFont font;
   font = loadFont("Arial-BoldMT-12.vlw");
   text((tnm+" "+nm), xp, yp+(ar/1.25));

 void press(){
     float r = (ar/2);
     if (mouseX > xp-ar/2 && mouseX < xp+ar/2 &&
       mouseY > yp-ar/2 && mouseY < yp+ar/2) {
       hover = true;  
     else {
       hover = false;
  if(hover) {
       locked = true;
       //fill(255, 255, 255);
     else {
       locked = false;
 void drag() {

     if (locked){
       xp = mouseX;
       yp = mouseY;
 void release() {
     locked = false;
 void connect (spaces[] space) { // draw line from current i to proper adjacency space
   for (int i = 0; i < ad.length; i++) {
     if (ad[i] == 1) {
       if (i ==  space[i].id){
         stroke (50);  
         line (xp, yp, space[i].xp, space[i].yp);      //dist between = 0 //draw bold line and connect
     else if  (ad[i]==2) {
       if (i ==  space[i].id){
         stroke (50);
         line (xp, yp, space[i].xp, space[i].yp);      //dist between < 100 //draw medium line and connect
     else if  (ad[i]==1) {
       if (i ==  space[i].id){
         stroke (50);
         line (xp, yp, space[i].xp, space[i].yp);     //dist between < 200 //draw thin line and connect

     else if  (ad[i]==(-1)) {
       if (i ==  space[i].id){
         stroke (255,dt,0);
         ellipse (xp, yp, ar*2, ar*2);
         ellipse (space[i].xp, space[i].yp, space[i].ar*2, space[i].ar*2);      //dist between < 200 //draw thin line and connect
//(here is the text11.txt file to save in the data folder to import)
open office,3,1000,design,2,,/,0,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
open office,6,1200,tech,3,many windows,/,0,0,1,3,0,,,,,,,,,,,
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