YaBB Newbies
Posts: 13
moving hit-area not consistent
Jul 15th , 2008, 11:33pm
I've got a simple class which makes circles and lets them float (based on one of the examples online). When clicked on a circle, I want to start a function but I just can't seem to get the hitarea consistent. Sometimes it returns values, sometimes it doesn't. Any suggestions? How can I fix this? Here is some test code. When a hit is performed, the movement should stop and you should get some feedback in the console: import java.util.ArrayList; // list that holds circles ArrayList circles; // number of circles to create initially int circleCount = 5; // max and min size of circles2 float maxSize = 30; float minSize = 20; // max speed for circles float speed = 0.4; float easing = 0.05; float targetX, targetY; boolean check = false; void setup() { size(1000, 700); background(255); noStroke(); smooth(); // fill the circles list with circle objects circles = new ArrayList(); for (int i=0; i<circleCount; i++) { // Orange color c = color( 255, 128, 0, 150); // add the circle to circles list circles.add(new Circle( 7, 7, 15, c)); } } void draw() { background(255); // loop through the circle objects in circles list for (int i=0; i<circles.size(); i++) { Circle circle = (Circle) circles.get(i); // move circles if(check == false){ circle.move(); }else{ println("stop movement"); } // draw circles circle.display(); } } class Circle { // x and y position, radius, x and y velocities float x, y, r, vx, vy; // circle color color c; Circle(float _x, float _y, float _r, color _c) { x = _x; y = _y; r = _r; c = _c; vx = random(-speed, speed); vy = random(-speed, speed); } // draw circle void display() { fill(c); ellipse(x, y, r*2, r*2); } // move circle void move() { // bounce against the sides if (x - r < 0) { x = r + 1; vx *= -1; } else if (x + r > width) { x = width - r - 1; vx *= -1; } if (y - r < 0) { y = r + 1; vy *= -1; } else if (y + r > height) { y = height - r - 1; vy *= -1; } // add velocities to position x += vx; y += vy; if (mousePressed) { if ((mouseX > x && mouseX < (x + (r*3))) && (mouseY > x && mouseY < (y + (r*3)))) { check = true; println("This is x " + x + " This is y" + y); } } } }