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ira greenberg 'particel wave example problem'
Jul 11th , 2008, 3:58pm
Hi just recently picked up a copy of Ira Greenberg book 'Processing'. Been working through some of the code examples. Tried to type out Particle Wave - but it doesn't seem to work no animation just a still image. I will keep trying to de-bug it but if there is anybody out there who can help that would be great. thanks mp my copied code is below - /* Particlewave*/ void setup (){ size (600, 400); background(0); smooth(); /* lots of stuff to manipulate*/ /* increase strokeWt if you don't see output*/ float strokeWt = 1.5; float strokeCol= 255; float[]strokeStyle = { strokeWt, strokeCol }; //particlae limits int timeLimit = 1000; int particleCount = 100; int[]particleLimits = { timeLimit, particleCount }; // particle dynamics float amplitudeMin = .5; float amplitudeMax = 4.0; float frequencyMin = 4.0; float frequencyMax = 40.0; float materialMin = .25; // lead float materialMax = .99; //rubber float []particleDynamics = { amplitudeMin, amplitudeMax, frequencyMin, frequencyMax, materialMin, materialMax}; // speed limits float accelMin = .005; float accelMax = 0.2; float xSpeedMin = -2.0; float xSpeedMax = 2.0; float[]speedLimits = { xSpeedMin, xSpeedMax, accelMin, accelMax }; float gravity = .85; // position of particle emitter float emitterX = width/2; float emitterY = 0; float[]world = { gravity, emitterX, emitterY }; // start partile engine setParticles(strokeStyle, particleLimits, particleDynamics, speedLimits, world); } // main particle engine - fully parameterized void setParticles(float[]strokeStyle, int[]particleLimits, float[]particleDynamics, float[]speedLimits, float[]world){ // create arrays float []xSpeed = new float[particleLimits[1]]; float []ySpeed = new float[particleLimits[1]]; float []accel = new float[particleLimits[1]]; float []x = new float[particleLimits[1]]; float []y = new float[particleLimits[1]]; float []amplitude = new float[particleLimits[1]]; float []frequency = new float[particleLimits[1]]; float []material = new float[particleLimits[1]]; // particle style strokeWeight(strokeStyle[0]); stroke(strokeStyle[1]); // angle used as segment fro makeWaves function call float angle = 0; // fill arrays for (int i=0; i<particleLimits[1]; i++){ xSpeed[i] = random(speedLimits[0], speedLimits[1]); accel[1] = random(speedLimits[2], speedLimits[3]); amplitude[i] = random(particleDynamics[0], particleDynamics[1]); frequency[i] = random(particleDynamics[2], particleDynamics[3]); material[i] = random(particleDynamics[4], particleDynamics[5]); // emitter initial position x[i] = world[1]; y[i] = world[2]; } // dynamics engine for (int i=0; i<particleLimits[1]; i++){ for (int j=0; j<particleLimits[0]; j++){ x[i]+=xSpeed[i]; // add waviness to call to makeWaves function x[i]=makeWaves(x[i], angle+=frequency[i], amplitude[i]); ySpeed[i]+=accel[i]; y[i]+=ySpeed[i]; // plot function just calls point () method plot (new float[]{ x[i], y[i] } ); // ground detection if (y[i]>=height){ ySpeed[i]*=1*material[i]; ySpeed[i]*=world[0]; y[i] = height; } // wall detection if (x[i]>=width || x[i]<=0){ xSpeed[i] *=-1; } } } } // generate wave float makeWaves(float x, float angle, float amplitude){ x+=sin(radians(angle))*amplitude; return x; } // draw points void plot(float[]pt){ point(pt[0], pt[1]); }