samuel bravo
YaBB Newbies
Posts: 24
p5sunflow iteration
Jul 8th , 2008, 3:07am
well, I'm trying to render the code of a tree i've found. No problem with p3d, but when switch to sunflow it just renders the first code iteration, so instead of getting a tree, I get a lonely cylinder for each frame. the same was happening with pdf export, and I solve it with beginRaw, I'd like to do so now, but I don't know if beginRecord can be used with sunflow. any idea? import hipstersinc.sunflow.*; import hipstersinc.sunflow.shader.*; import hipstersinc.*; // samuel bravo silva, santiago, chile. 2008. // this code is the addition of superkrut's "processing tree" ( and // "Vertices" by Simon Greenwold on String movName = "img/tallo"; //where to render images boolean useSunflow = true; //set to false for fast OPENGL render float numFrames = 800;//length of animation int nr=0; BodyPart root; float rootAngleX=1500; float rootAngleY=0; float px, py; void setup() { if (useSunflow){ size(720, 480, "hipstersinc.P5Sunflow"); } else{ size(200,200,P3D); } root = new BodyPart(0, 0); } void guarda(){ if (frameCount <= numFrames) { saveFrame(movName + "-####.png"); } else{ exit(); } } void draw() { //background(245); translate(width/2, height, -30); rotateX(rootAngleX/1000); rotateZ(rootAngleY/1000); root.grow(); root._angPosX = 0; setupCamera(); } // Tweak our camera parameters. Make sure to call this from `draw` void setupCamera() { // Get the P5Sunflow PGraphics P5Sunflow sunflow = (P5Sunflow) g; // Set our camera to "pinhole"; } class BodyPart { BodyPart[] children = new BodyPart[3]; private int child_nr=0; private float _width = 0; private float _height = 0; private float _widthspeed; private float _heightspeed; private float _angleX; private float _angleY; public float _angPosX; private float newangle; private float nextchild; public BodyPart(float angleX, float angleY){ _angleX = angleX; _angleY = angleY; _angPosX = 0; _widthspeed=.04; _heightspeed=3;//.8 nextchild = 2; } public void grow(){ _height+=_heightspeed; _width+=_widthspeed; //if(child_nr<3 && random(0,_width*10)/((child_nr+1)*(child_nr+1))>15){ if(_width>nextchild && child_nr<3){ //crecen o no crecen ramas nextchild+=child_nr+random(2,6); _heightspeed*=.1*_width; // esto nos da una caida no lineal en la punta newangle =random(.3,.75); children[child_nr++] = new BodyPart(random(-newangle,newangle), random(-newangle,newangle)); } paint(); for(int i = 0;i<child_nr;i++){ pushMatrix(); children[i].grow(); popMatrix(); } } void drawCylinder(float topRadius, float bottomRadius, float tall, int sides) { float angle = 0; float angleIncrement = TWO_PI / sides; noStroke (); beginShape(QUAD_STRIP); for (int i = 0; i < sides + 1; ++i) { vertex(topRadius*cos(angle), 0, topRadius*sin(angle)); vertex(bottomRadius*cos(angle), tall, bottomRadius*sin(angle)); angle += angleIncrement; } endShape(); rotateX(-PI/2); } public void paint(){ rotateX(_angleX+sin(_angPosX+=.1/_width)/10+PI/2); rotateY(_angleY+sin(_angPosX+=.1/_width)/10); fill(100,200,_width/.6,70); drawCylinder(_width/2+1.4/(_height/2.4+.6), _width/2, _height/1.9, 5+round(_width/3));//lo último hace que las figuras nazcan de 3 caras y cada 5 px de diametro incrementen una. translate(0,0,_height/2); guarda(); } }