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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpPrograms › constants and object arrays
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constants and object arrays (Read 447 times)
constants and object arrays
Jul 5th, 2008, 2:13am
I'm trying to write a program that would write 12 boxes on the window and notify me which one i'm on. I can't seem to get the syntax right, I don't know how to make an array of objects, nor do I know how to define constants...here's the code i have so far (it's not done)

import processing.serial.*;

class MRect
 int x;
 int y;
 int height;
 int width;

 MRect(int _x, int _y, int _w, int _h) {
   x = _x;
   y = _y;
   width = _w;
   height = _h;

 boolean isMouseOver(){
   return (mouseX >= x) && (mouseX < x + width) && (mouseY >= y) && (mouseY > y + height);

 void draw() {


Serial port;
MRect rects[12];
int num_rects = 12;

#define WIDTH 66;
#define HEIGHT 66;

void setup()
 size(792, 66);
 port = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[0], 9600);


boolean mouseOverRect()
 return ((mouseX >= 50)&&(mouseX <= 150)&&(mouseY >= 50)&(mouseY <= 150));

void draw()

 fill(#666660);         // change color

 for(int i=0;i<num_rects;i++){
   rects[i] = new MRect(WIDTH * i,0,WIDTH,HEIGHT);

Re: constants and object arrays
Reply #1 - Jul 5th, 2008, 6:24am
I tweaked your code a bit (added a visual cue)


class MRect {
 int x;
 int y;
 int h;
 int w;
 color bgColor;

 MRect(int _x, int _y, int _w, int _h, color _bgColor) {
   x = _x;
   y = _y;
   w = _w;
   h = _h;
   bgColor = _bgColor;

 boolean isMouseOver(){
   return (mouseX > x) && (mouseX < x + w) && (mouseY > y) && (mouseY < y + h);  
 void setBGColor(color _bgColor){
   bgColor = _bgColor;
 void create(){
   rect(x, y, w, h);

final int NUMBER_RECTS = 12;
MRect[] rects = new MRect[NUMBER_RECTS];

int rectWidth =  66;
int rectHeight =  rectWidth;

void setup() {  
 size(793, 67);  
 for(int i=0;i<rects.length;i++){
   rects[i] = new MRect(rectWidth * i,0,rectWidth,rectHeight,color(200, 200, 255));  

void draw() {  

for(int i=0;i<rects.length;i++){
   if (rects[i].isMouseOver()){
     rects[i].setBGColor(color(255, 170, 0));
   } else {
      rects[i].setBGColor(color(200, 200, 255));

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