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RemoveEvent in ProMIDI (Read 3224 times)
RemoveEvent in ProMIDI
Jun 25th, 2008, 1:15pm
Hi there,
I am new to promidi and I'd like to make a kind of step sequencer. I am creating notes when someone toggles a button:
track.addEvent(new Note(35+row,127,30),col-1);
and when someone is turning off the button I'd like to remove this note/event and this is where my problem pops up:
I do not know what to put as a first parameter....
Please help!

Reverb Rick
Re: RemoveEvent in ProMIDI
Reply #1 - Jun 25th, 2008, 2:22pm
This is purely a guess,having not used the library, but the standard way would be:

Note n=new Note(35+row,127,30);
Re: RemoveEvent in ProMIDI
Reply #2 - Jun 25th, 2008, 3:24pm
Great! It will work!
Thank you very much!
Re: RemoveEvent in ProMIDI
Reply #3 - Jun 26th, 2008, 9:05am
I'm still to weak to complete that one :(
Your advice works if I know the name of variable defined.
To track which one to switch off I've created an array:
Note[] n = new Note[255];
and then:
which produces:

ERROR. an error occured while forwarding a Controller value
to a method in your program. please check your code for any
possible errors that might occur in this method .
e.g. check for casting errors, possible nullpointers, array overflows ... .
method: controlEvent
exception:  java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException

...looks like array overflow, but dont know why...

Please help!
Re: RemoveEvent in ProMIDI
Reply #4 - Jun 26th, 2008, 9:52am
You'll have to show a bit more code for us to be able to help. It's possible you've not initialised the n[id] and so are sending a null in to the function...
Re: RemoveEvent in ProMIDI
Reply #5 - Jun 26th, 2008, 10:16am
Many thanks for a quick response!

the code looks like that:

Note[] n = new Note[255];
      n[id] = new Note(35+row,127,30);
the id is a number of step of my sequencer
Re: RemoveEvent in ProMIDI
Reply #6 - Dec 24th, 2008, 6:56am
hey there,
im having the exact same problam.

cant remove Event.

did you come up with something?
Re: RemoveEvent in ProMIDI
Reply #7 - Dec 24th, 2008, 11:52am
nope...it was thrown to a drawer. Hope I'll come back to that with a king of fresh mind.
Hope you'll succeed!

Re: RemoveEvent in ProMIDI
Reply #8 - Dec 24th, 2008, 3:50pm
oh my...

i have a large project stuck on this bit.
i get a 'NullPointerException' when i try removeEvent.

anyway thanks for your replay,
i hope someone will have a solution.
Re: RemoveEvent in ProMIDI
Reply #9 - Feb 16th, 2009, 10:38pm
Hi.. I was having some problems with this as well. I'm not sure I can tell exactly why your code isn't working but I have two working examples. I've written one step-sequencer using an array for storing the events and one that doesn't use MIDI-events at all (it does use notes Wink but it doesn't add() and remove() them). Both ways work, so try them both!

The Array way:

MidiEvent[] buttonEvents;

//in void setup(){

 buttonEvents = new MidiEvent[16]; //Storing the "active" events of one bar.
//in void mousePressed(){  
 for(int i = 0 ; i < 16  ; i++){
   if(buttons[i].isOver()){    //if I press the mouse when over a button
     if(buttons[i].isPressed()){  //and the button is already pressed,
                                                 //then the active event will be removed
 //the second argument to removeEvent() could be anything, really.
     }else{              //It depends on what number of ticks you have chosen
                             // for your sequencer - in this case 16.
       //if the mouse is clicked when over a button that is not already pressed:
       // we save a Note in the buttonEvents-array,

       buttonEvents[i+16] = new Note(60, 20, 2);

       // and add it to the track, at tick i.


Re: RemoveEvent in ProMIDI
Reply #10 - Feb 16th, 2009, 10:52pm
Oh, and my second example:

//this program doesn't use a track to send MIDI-events,
//but rather just sends notes whenever the sequencer
//"lands" on a trigger - in this case steps in a step-
//sequencer. The code below is taken from a class called Buttons.

//in constructor:
 int tempTick = 0
 Button[] buttons;  //the class uses an array of another class:
 //clickable two-state buttons with a method isPressed() that returns
 //what state the button is in.
 buttons = new Button[16];

 void sendMidi(){    //this is a method of a class of buttons.
 //the variable b is used to store the position of the sequencer:
   int b = int(sequencer.getTickPosition() % 16);  
   if(b != tempTick){  //this only happens once every tick.

 //if the button corresponding to the current tick is pressed...
 // we send a note.
           Note note = new Note(36,120,20);
   tempTick = b;  //we set the tempTick to be the current tick.

//this last bit is from    void draw()

Re: RemoveEvent in ProMIDI
Reply #11 - Feb 16th, 2009, 11:07pm

and the problem in the code you posted is probably that you're not referring to a specific MIDI-event. For the program to remove a MIDI-event from the track, you have to tell it exactly which event to remove. For example,

//followed by

probably wouldn't work (I haven't actually tested this, but I don't think it works), because even if the notes look the same, they are not the exact same Note.

And in,


I would rather use an int than the expression "col-1" - to remove an event you have to tell the track exactly at which tick it is scheduled, and by giving removeEvent() a variable you risk giving it an empty tick.

Also, it is very important that the event n[id] have been explicitly defined earlier in your code. In the code...

 n[id] = new Note(35+row,127,30);

...you are clearly taking the risk of removing an event that doesn't exist.

God, this became a quite long answer but I hope it helps. And I hope you get the sequencer up and running! Good luck!


Re: RemoveEvent in ProMIDI
Reply #12 - Feb 2nd, 2010, 1:47am
I've the same problem. I don't undersand why I can't remove notes.
If someone could help me.

The idea here is very simple.
-Create an array of 4 notes
-Delete each notes one by one with "DELETE" keyCode
- Another solution would be with '1', '2', '3', '4' keys but it doesn't work too.



import promidi.*;

MidiIO midiIO;
MidiOut midiOut;
Sequencer sequencer;
Track track;
Note [] notes;
int counterDelete = 0;

void setup(){

 MidiIO midiIO = MidiIO.getInstance();
 MidiOut midiOut = midiIO.getMidiOut(1,1);

 track = new Track("one", midiOut);
 notes = new Note[4];
 notes[0] = new Note(36,90,100);
 notes[1] = new Note(41,90,100);
 notes[2] = new Note(46,90,100);
 notes[3] = new Note(48,90,100);
 track.addEvent(notes[0], 0);
 track.addEvent(notes[1], 1);
 track.addEvent(notes[2], 2);
 track.addEvent(notes[3], 3);

 // SONG
 Song song = new Song("midiOut", 120);
 sequencer = new Sequencer();

void mousePressed(){
 if(mouseButton == LEFT) sequencer.start();
 else sequencer.stop();

void keyPressed() {
 if (key == DELETE) {
  track.removeEvent(notes[counterDelete], counterDelete);
  println("DELETE " + counterDelete);
  counterDelete ++;

// Another solution :
//  if (key == '1') track.removeEvent(notes[0], 0);
//  else if (key == '2') track.removeEvent(notes[1], 1);
//  else if (key == '3') track.removeEvent(notes[2], 2);
//  else if (key == '4') track.removeEvent(notes[3], 3);

void draw(){}

Quite simple, isn't it ?

But It does'nt work at all  Sad

The message error concern ticks greater than the first tick I guess.
The first note is deleted and the second stop the programm and display this message :

Exception in thread "Animation Thread" java.lang.NullPointerException
     at promidi.TickMapEvents.removeEvent(TickMapEvents.java:85)
     at promidi.Pattern.removeEvent(Pattern.java:503)
     at proMidi_sequencer.keyPressed(proMidi_sequencer.java:74)
     at processing.core.PApplet.handleKeyEvent(PApplet.java:1752)
     at processing.core.PApplet.dequeueKeyEvents(PApplet.java:1735)
     at processing.core.PApplet.handleDraw(PApplet.java:1437)
     at processing.core.PApplet.run(PApplet.java:1327)
     at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:619)

Any help ?
Re: RemoveEvent in ProMIDI
Reply #13 - Feb 2nd, 2010, 7:28pm
Great info. It really makes sense. Thanks!
Problem solved.
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