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Help: making a 'caricature' of an image (Read 977 times)
Help: making a 'caricature' of an image
May 28th, 2008, 4:53pm
For a project I intend to make interactive 'caricatures' of images. I wish to gradually magnify certain areas of an oploaded jpg file. The idea is much like a caricature of a face. For example; if eyes are prominent in a portrait, they are exaggerated and magnified in a caricature.

To know which parts of an image should be magnified, the location of the mouse is put in an array for every frame.  After the user releases the mouse and presses a key, the 'caricature' is generated from the image and points from the array. The more the mouse is located in a certain area, the more magnified this area becomes. At least... That's what I wish to accomplish. I tried the 'copy' function, but that gave an ugly result (like messed-up pixels).

Could you please give me some clues about how to program in such a way that parts of an image are magnified gradually like in a caricature?
Re: Help: making a 'caricature' of an image
Reply #1 - May 28th, 2008, 6:54pm
Try this:
final float effectAmount = 0.75;

void Spherize(int xPos, int yPos, int radius)
int tlx = xPos - radius, tly = yPos - radius;
PImage pi = get(tlx, tly, radius * 2, radius * 2);
for (int x = - radius; x < radius; x++)
for (int y = - radius; y < radius; y++)
// Rescale cartesian coords between -1 and 1
float cx = (float)x / radius;
float cy = (float)y / radius;

// Outside of the sphere -> skip
float square = sq(cx) + sq(cy);
if (square >= 1)

// Compute cz from cx & cy
float cz = sqrt(1 - square);

// Cartesian coords cx, cy, cz -> spherical coords sx, sy, still in -1, 1 range
float sx = atan(effectAmount * cx / cz) * 2 / PI;
float sy = atan(effectAmount * cy / cz) * 2 / PI;

// Spherical coords sx & sy -> texture coords
int tx = tlx + (int)((sx + 1) * radius);
int ty = tly + (int)((sy + 1) * radius);

// Set pixel value
pi.set(radius + x, radius + y, get(tx, ty));
set(tlx, tly, pi);

int startX, startY;
PImage me;

void setup()
me = loadImage("E:/Dev/PhiLhoSoft/Processing/me.png");
size(me.width, me.height);
image(me, 0, 0);

void draw()

void mousePressed()
startX = mouseX; startY = mouseY;

void mouseReleased()
float radius = sqrt(sq(startX - mouseX) + sq(startY - mouseY));
Spherize(startX, startY, int(radius));

Replace the path to the image by one of your computer with the photo of somebody.
Drag from the center of an eye to a corner, etc.
Maybe improve it by smoothing the borders (some alpha value?).

[EDIT] =>
	// Set pixel value
int alpha = (int)(255 * sq(1 - square)) << 24;
pi.set(radius + x, radius + y, alpha | (0xFFFFFF & get(tx, ty)));
Re: Help: making a 'caricature' of an image
Reply #2 - May 29th, 2008, 6:30pm
Thank you for your great code, PhiLho! Again, I integrated it into my program. It has helped me al lot to come closer to my final goal.

I greatly appreciate all your help. Thank you so much!
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