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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpOther Libraries › xml via rest-style api
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xml via rest-style api (Read 1034 times)
xml via rest-style api
May 28th, 2008, 8:59pm
hello processing friends,
im tryin to get a xml response from a certain api out of processing (for some nights now), but seems like it can only be done with a php proxy script...maybe somebody can give me a hint how to do it without using a proxy. the api specs are here:

Re: xml via rest-style api
Reply #1 - May 28th, 2008, 9:47pm
If you show us what you've got so far it'll be much easier to help you.

It shoudl be noted that if you're wanting this as an applet on a webpage, you'll have to use a php proxy to access that, due to the security restrictions in java, unless you sign your applet.
Re: xml via rest-style api
Reply #2 - May 28th, 2008, 11:11pm
ah ok...
i wanted it to use it as live visualisation in the club,
so i can send a request an get it visual on the fly...
tried several codes, thats why i started this as a general question but this one i think i had the best results with:

import processing.net.*;

Client client;

void setup()
 size(200, 200);
 // Open a TCP socket to the host:
 client = new Client(this, "www.discogs.com", 80);

 // Print the IP address of the host:

 // Send the HTTP GET request:
 client.write("GET /artist/Aphex+Twin?f=xml&api_key=111 HTTP/1.1 \r\n");
 client.write("HOST: discogs.com\n\n");

void draw()
 // Print the results of the GET:
 if (client.available() > 0) {
   int inByte = client.read();

Re: xml via rest-style api
Reply #3 - May 28th, 2008, 11:28pm
You don't need to use the net library and suchlike, you can just do:


String[] res=loadStrings("http://www.discogs.com/artist/Aphex+Twin?f=xml&api_key=111");

Or, since it's XML you could do similar, but directly into an XMLElement object (I think):

import processing.xml.*;
XMLElement e;

void setup()
e=new XMLElement(this,"http://www.discogs.com/artist/Aphex+Twin?f=xml&api_key=111");
Re: xml via rest-style api
Reply #4 - May 28th, 2008, 11:51pm
tried it with XMLElement but the problem is that the header looks like:  <resp stat="ok" version="1.0" requests="4">
so processing wont recognize it...

and with the loadStrings() method i only get some strangly encoded symbols since, the xml structure they give out is utf-16 i found out and i wont get it back to normal...

String API_KEY = "111";
String search = "Kompakt";

String locationEncoded = URLEncoder.encode(search);
String url = "http://www.discogs.com/label/" +
locationEncoded + "?f=xml&api_key=" + API_KEY;

String lines[] = loadStrings(url);
println (lines);

but thank you very much for taking care of me...
Re: xml via rest-style api
Reply #5 - May 29th, 2008, 7:02am
I tried the last snippet and got a 400 error, perhaps a problem with the API key (I don't have one, not sure how it works, one have to create an account to know).
I see "Clients must send the "Accept-Encoding: gzip" header. The service will gzip most API responses so your application must be able to decode gzipped data." so I don't know if you get UTF-16 (which Java should understand) or actually gzipped data (which you must decompress before using).
Same issue with XMLElement, I suppose.
Unless I miss something else (after all, the Accept-Encoding header isn't sent).
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