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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpSyntax Questions › Drawing only part of a circle
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Drawing only part of a circle (Read 1651 times)
Drawing only part of a circle
May 23rd, 2008, 1:21pm
I wish to make an object that would appear as if it's "growing" out of no where. That is, at first, only the first pixel row (or column) of the object will be drawn, then the two rows, of the object, until everything will be drawn.
I don't want to destroy environment, so I don't want to draw a white rectangle that would delete the object.
Here's an example that does that with a circle and by deleting the circle with a white rectangle. I want to do that without white rectangle that would ruin the background.:


void setup()
size(200, 200);
int x = 0,sz = 80;
void draw()
// draw a green ellipse and a red rectangle
// in point cy which is rising.
stroke(0); fill(20,200,10);
int cx = 50, cy = max(150-x,150-sz);
ellipse(50,cy,sz,sz);white ellipse
rect(50,cy+30,sz/2,sz/2); // red rectangle
// now, deletes the everything but the first
// <code>x</code> pixels in the circle with a
// white reclangle
stroke(255); fill(255);
if (x<sz) rect(50,cy+x,sz,sz-x); // delete it!
Re: Drawing only part of a circle
Reply #1 - May 23rd, 2008, 2:34pm
I don't know if it's the easiest way, but you can try with a buffer :
- draw your background on the main screen, as usual.
- draw the 'growing' objects on a buffer (whose background is transparent)
- display the buffer over the main screen

PGraphics buffer;
int x = 0, sz = 80;

void setupBuffer() {
buffer = createGraphics(100, 150, P3D);

void setup() {
size(200, 200);

void draw() {
background(255, 150, 0);
int cx = 50, cy = max(150-x,150-sz);
buffer.beginDraw(); // start drawing the objects
buffer.translate(0, cy); // progressively
buffer.background(255, 0); // on a transparent background
image(buffer, 0, 0); // display the buffer
Re: Drawing only part of a circle
Reply #2 - May 23rd, 2008, 2:38pm
Apparently, Processing doesn't seem to have a concept of viewport or limiting drawing to an area.
Instead, you have to simulate this by creating an off-screen graphic buffer, drawing there and copying the (perhaps partial) result on screen.
I changed your sample to show that:
PImage pi; // Background image
PGraphics pg; // Off-screen graphic buffer

void setup()
size(200, 200);
pi = loadImage("../../Globe.png"); // Any graphic will do, this is to show it is hidden only by the real graphics
image(pi, 0, 0); // Draw background on display
pg = createGraphics(width, height, JAVA2D);

int x = 0, sz = 80;

void draw()
if (x > sz)
noLoop(); // Stop
pg.image(pi, 0, 0); // Redraw background in graphic
// draw a green ellipse and a red rectangle
// in point cy which is rising.
pg.stroke(0); pg.fill(20, 200, 10);
int cx = 50, cy = max(150-x, 150-sz);
pg.ellipse(cx, cy, sz, sz);//green ellipse
pg.fill(200, 20, 20);
pg.rect(cx, cy+30, sz/2, sz/2); // red rectangle
copy(pg, cx, cy, sz, x, cx, cy, sz+1, x+1);
Re: Drawing only part of a circle
Reply #3 - May 23rd, 2008, 3:02pm
Ah, your solution is nice too. I overlooked the way to make transparent background, hence my drawing of the image in the buffer, but it is limited (static) unlike true transparency.
And the usage of translate is smart too, I haven't use the Processing's transformation matrices yet, it is a good illustration of their use.

I tried to draw a static image, then copy it progressively, but I get a white rectangle on top of the ellipse (behind it) and a black one at the bottom. What I am missing?
PImage pi; // Background image
PGraphics pg; // Off-screen graphic buffer

int x = 0, sz = 80;
int cx = 50, cy = 70;

void setup()
size(200, 200);
pi = loadImage("../../Globe.png"); // Any graphic will do, this is to show it is hidden only by the real graphics

pg = createGraphics(width, height, JAVA2D);
pg.background(255, 0); // Transparent background
// draw a green ellipse and a red rectangle
// in point cy
pg.stroke(0); pg.fill(20, 200, 10);
pg.ellipse(cx, cy, sz, sz);//green ellipse
pg.fill(200, 20, 20);
pg.rect(cx, cy+30, sz/2, sz/2); // red rectangle

void draw()
if (x > sz)
noLoop(); // Stop
image(pi, 0, 0); // Draw background on display (clear it)
copy(pg, cx, cy, sz, x, cx, cy+sz-x, sz+1, x+1);
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