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[Mac] DockTile Lib (Read 885 times)
[Mac] DockTile Lib
May 2nd, 2008, 8:28pm
derDoc Studios proudly presents: The best and biggest release yet!

This time, I made a library that implements a renderer that draws into the application's docktile, i.e. the app's icon in the dock.

After only 2 weeks of fighting with: [objective-c, java, JNI, cocoa, NSImageRep, undocumented OSX APIs and pixel values] I actually managed to get it working.
It is a subclass of P3D again, so feel free to use any functions from it.

Check it out @ http://web.mac.com/derDoc/pub/dock.zip

Reply #1 - May 4th, 2008, 3:46am
I found a memory management issue that prevented the previous version from rendering the image to the docktile, when it was bigger than 128x128 and another one that kicked in on images > 355x355.
Both are fixed now and I uploaded the new version.

In the hope that somebody will find this useful,
Docktile sensor
Reply #2 - May 7th, 2008, 9:34am

finally after I have all the libraries in place, I could throw the program together that I had originally intended to do.
It is a sketch that builds on both my libraries and the SMS sketch to display readings from the Apple SMS in an icon in the dock.

It is available here: http://web.mac.com/derDoc/pub/SMSdock.zip.
And a screenshot of it in action can be seen here:

Unfortunately I could not get the sketch's main windows to hide, all that I got from trying was a kernelpanic.
So, I resolved to just iconify it upon startup.

Note that with 10 FPS (as shown) it uses ~33% CPU on my 2.6Ghz Core2Duo system, and still ~20% at 5fps.

Have fun with it,
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