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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpPrograms › jerky animation
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jerky animation (Read 363 times)
jerky animation
Apr 23rd, 2008, 1:22am
Hi all,

I'm still new to this, so please excuse what may be a dumb question.

When I do animations, or any drawing that evolves over time, after several seconds (about 30 or so), the motion becomes extremely jerky.  See my drawing below for an example - give it about 30 seconds and it's terrible on my computer (a nice fast Mac G5, running 10.4.11, Processing 0135.

I have a feeling it is related to how I'm calculating time (float t = frameCount/frameRate), but it's not obvious to me how else to calculate time.

Thanks in advance for your help,


static final int sz = 800;
static final float fr = 30f;
static final float f1 = 1f;
static final float r1 = 0.3;
static final float f2 = 11f;
static final float r2 = 0.07;
static final float f3 = 55f;
static final float r3 = 0.02;

float t;

void setup() {
 size(sz, sz);

void draw() {
 t = frameCount/frameRate;
 translate(width/2, height/2);
 for (int c = 0; c <= 1000; c++) {
   float cf = (float) c;
   float cfrac = cf / 1000f;
   translate(r1*sz, 0);
   translate((1f+sin(0.8*t))*0.5*r2*sz, 0);
   translate((1f+sin(0.7*t))*0.5*r3*sz, 0);

Re: jerky animation
Reply #1 - Apr 23rd, 2008, 5:08am
you know, since the code is oscillating in behaviour, it's reasonable to assume that the jerkiness is due to it oscillating so quickly it looks jerky. I tried t+=0.1 and it's smooth.
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