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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpPrograms › Best approach to custom interfaces
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Best approach to custom interfaces (Read 460 times)
Best approach to custom interfaces
Apr 21st, 2008, 12:16am
I'm planning on building a multi-touch table interface this summer, which I want to create custom GUI interfaces for. The eventual goal is going to be music related, so synthesizers and sequencers are what I will focus on now. Thing is, I've been exploring what environment to do this in and I'm really not sure which option to go for.

So far I have looked Processing, VVVV, PureData and Reaktor for creating custom GUI environments that can be used for music applications, but I was hoping someone out there had worked with one of these (or something else) and created unique, non-standard GUI elements before. Seems like each of these environments have their possibilities, but it would take me a few months of practice and learning to get it working...obviously I only want to do that once, correctly.

(posted this in the general discussion forum, because this is not really processing related, I am trying to get information about whether processing is good to use here, or something else entirely)
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