YaBB Newbies
Posts: 4
Display id3.songTitle
Apr 7th , 2008, 6:27am
I'm new to processing and trying to figure out why the ID3 information prints to the tray at the bottom of processing, but won't display in the rendered app. If some could let me know what I'm doing wrong or point me to a simple example, I'd appreciate it. Here is my code: import ddf.minim.*; AudioPlayer song; import jorgecardoso.processing.id3.*; void setup() { size(1400, 300); // always start Minim first! Minim.start(this); // this loads mysong.wav from the data folder song = Minim.loadFile("DontForgetMe_WayOutWest.mp3");; ID3 id3 = new ID3(this); id3.readID3("DontForgetMe_WayOutWest.mp3"); PFont font; font = loadFont("EurostileRegular-48.vlw"); textFont(font); textSize(40); fill(255); println("Song Title:" + id3.songTitle); println("Artist: " + id3.artist); println("Album: " + id3.album); println("Year: " + id3.year); println("Genre: " + id3.genre); } void draw() { background(0); fill(255); text("Song Title:", 20, 40); // Although I have the call to the id3 title correct, it's not displaying in the app. Should I use "data" here? text("id3.songTitle", 220, 40); text("Artist:", 20, 80); text("id3.artist", 220, 80); text("Album:", 20, 120); text("id3.album", 220, 120); text("Genre:", 20, 160); text("id3.genre", 220, 160); text("Track Time:", 1000, 280); text("2:28", 1200, 280); fill(58, 254, 34); noStroke(); rect(20, 200, 1350, 30); fill(200, 10, 10); rect(25, 203, 40, 25); PImage img; img = loadImage("netmix_logotype_blackwhite_250x.jpg"); image(img, 1175, 10, 200, 60); } void stop() { song.close(); super.stop(); }